39-758. Location of absent parents or their assets; cooperation of governmental units with secretary; availability of information.
39-758. Location of absent parents or their assets; cooperation ofgovernmental unitswith secretary; availability of information.(a) State, county and local units of government, their officers and employees,shall cooperate with the secretary of social and rehabilitation servicesin locating absent parents or their assets and shall on request supply thesecretary ofsocial and rehabilitation services with available information about an absentparent or the absent parent's assets including but not limited to thelocation, employment status, income, date of birth and social securitynumber of the absent parent or any informationconcerning medicalor health insurance coverage for dependents.
(b) Upon written request, federal and state agencies conducting locatoractivities under title IV-Dshallbe eligible to receive information leading to the location of an individual ifthe information is contained withinany system used by this stateto locate an individual for purposes relating to motor vehicles or lawenforcement.
(c) Information received by the secretary of social andrehabilitationservices under this section shall be available upon request to personsauthorizedto receive such information.
Any person receiving suchinformation shall be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 39-759 and amendmentsthereto. Information of the department of revenue shall be subject to the limitationsof K.S.A. 79-3234, and amendments thereto.
(d) Any person or entity providing access to information pursuant to thissection, including but not limited to access by automated processes, shall notbe liable to any person for good faith actions in providing the access orinformation. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to information of thedepartment of revenue.
(e) Notwithstanding any prohibition to the contrary which may apply toinformation of the department of revenue, the secretary may enter into anagreementwith any agency or official in this state to permit the secretary and thesecretary'sdesignees access to information for the purposes of this section. Such anagreement shall not be construed tobe a contract for the performance of support enforcement services pursuant toK.S.A. 75-5365 and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1976, ch. 210, § 8; L. 1982, ch. 188, § 1;L. 1997, ch. 182, § 70; July 3.