39-714. County home; admission; treatment; ownership by two counties; tax levy, use of proceeds; issuance of bonds in certain counties.
39-714. County home; admission; treatment; ownership by two counties;tax levy, use of proceeds; issuance of bonds in certain counties.The poor farm or infirmary of any county shall be referred to as "thecounty home." The board of county commissioners shall supervise thecounty home. Persons shall be admitted to the county home by the boardof county commissioners when it appears that the person will benefitmore by living in the county home than at some other place and in someother manner; but nothing herein shall be construed as requiring thecounty or the board of county commissioners to admit or keep any personneeding public assistance in the county home.
Persons cared for at the county home shall be provided with properclothing, sufficient food, clean quarters, and means of recreation.Persons admitted to the county home may be assigned tasks in accordancewith their ability, age, and physical health. A strict account shall bekept of the cost of operating the county home and the income produced bythe activities of the home, including all farming, dairying, poultry,and other operations. The board of county commissioners shall appoint aproperly qualified person for the management of the county home and suchother employees as they deem necessary. Nothing herein shall beconsidered as affecting any existing contract between a county and thesuperintendent of the county poor farm. The superintendent shall beunder the supervision of the board of county commissioners as regardsthe assistance of the persons admitted to the county home and the kindand amount of work, if any, which they may be required to do.
It shall be lawful for the board of county commissioners, wheneverthey deem it advisable, to purchase a tract of land in the name of thecounty, and thereupon to build, erect, establish, organize, and maintaina home for persons eligible to public assistance; and when two or morecounties shall have jointly purchased any tract of land and erected anasylum for the poor, they shall have power to continue such jointownership during their pleasure as a county home; and it shall be lawfulfor the county commissioners of two or more counties jointly to purchaselands, erect buildings, and make improvements, and do other thingsproper and necessary for the maintenance of a county home and to makesuch orders regarding joint supervisions as may be agreed upon. To raisethe sum necessary for the purchase of land and the erection of buildingsand the furnishing of the same, and the making of improvements and topay a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued under the authorityof K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, by cities locatedin the county, the board of county commissioners shall have the powerto levy a tax on thetaxable tangible valuation of such county; and after the levy of saidtax and before the collection thereof it shall be lawful for the boardof county commissioners to issue warrants in an amount not in excess ofthe sum that will be raised by said tax levy. Anycounty with a population of more than one hundred forty thousand(140,000) now having or which may hereafter have a county home, theboard of county commissioners of such county may reconstruct, buildadditions and equip such additions thereto for the purpose of providingadequate facilities commensurate to decency and health for those personsbeing cared for at the county home.
For the purpose of paying for such reconstruction and building ofadditions thereto, the board of county commissioners may issue and sellgeneral obligation bonds of such county, not exceeding the total sum oftwo hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), but before any such bonds maybe issued the board of county commissioners shall, by resolution,declare its intent to issue such bonds, and such resolution shall bepublished in three successive issues of the official county paperwhereupon such bonds may be issued unless a petition in opposition tosuch bond issue signed by not less than three hundred (300) of thequalified electors of such county, is filed with the county clerk ofsuch county within thirty (30) days following the last publication ofthe resolution by the board of county commissioners. In the event suchpetition is filed it shall be the duty of the board of countycommissioners to submit the question to the voters at an election calledfor such purpose or at the next general election. None of the debtlimitations prescribed by law for any such county shall apply to anybonds issued under the authority conferred by this section. Nothingherein shall prevent the county from issuing poor bonds asprovided by law.
History: L. 1937, ch. 327, § 12a; L. 1953, ch. 222, § 1; L.1973, ch. 186, § 11; L. 1975, ch. 162, § 35; L. 1979, ch. 52, § 152; July 1.