39-702. Definitions.
39-702. Definitions.The following words and phrases when used in this act shall, for thepurposes of this act, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them inthis section:
(a) "Secretary" means the secretary of social andrehabilitation services.
(b) "Applicants" means all persons who, as individuals, or inwhose behalf requests are made of the secretary for aid orassistance.
(c) "Social welfare service"may include such functions as giving assistance, the preventionof public dependency, andpromoting the rehabilitation of dependent persons or those who areapproaching public dependency.
(d) "Assistance"includes such items or functions as thegiving or providing of money, food stamps or coupons, food, clothing,shelter, medicine or other materials, the giving of any service,including instructive or scientific, and the providing of institutionalcare, which may be necessary or helpful to the recipient in providingthe necessities of life for the recipient and the recipient'sdependents. The definitions of social welfare service and assistance inthis section shall be deemed as partially descriptive and not limiting.
(e) "Aid to families with dependent children" means financialassistance with respect to or on behalf of a dependent child ordependent children and includes financial assistance for any month tomeet the needs of the relative with whom any dependent child is living.
(f) "Medical assistance" means the payment of all or part of thecost of necessary: (1) Medical, remedial, rehabilitative or preventivecare and services which are within the scope of services to be providedunder a medical care plan developed by the secretary pursuant to thisact and furnished by health care providers who have a current approvedprovider agreement with the secretary, and (2) transportation to obtaincare and services which are within the scope of services to be providedunder a medical care plan developed by the secretary pursuant to thisact.
(g) "Dependent children" means needy children under the age of 18, orwho are under the age of 19 and arefull-time students in secondary schools or the equivalenteducational program or are full-time students in a program of vocationalor technical training if they may be reasonably expectedto complete the training before attaining age 19, who have been deprived ofparental or guardian support or care by reasons of the death, continued absence fromthe home, or physical or mental incapacity of a parentor guardian,and who are living with any blood relative, including those of thehalf-blood, and including first cousins, uncles, aunts,and persons ofpreceding generations are denoted by prefixes of grand, great, orgreat-great, and including the spouses or former spouses of any personsnamed in the above groups, in a place of residence maintained by one ormore of such relatives as their own home. The secretary may adopt rulesand regulations which extend thedeprivation requirement under this definition to include being deprivedof parental or guardian support or care by reason of the unemployment ofa parent or guardian. The term "dependent children" also includeschildren who would meet the foregoingrequirementsexcept for their removal from the home of a relative as a result ofjudicial determination to the effect that continuation therein would becontrary to the welfare of such children, for whose placement and carethe secretary is responsible, who have been placed in a foster familyhome or child care institution as a result of such determination and whoreceived aid to dependent children in or for the month in which courtproceedings leading to such determination were initiated, or would havereceived such aid in or for such month if application had been madetherefor, or in the case of a child who had been living with a relativespecified above within six months prior to the month in which suchproceedings were initiated, would have received such aid in or for suchmonth if in such month such child had been living with and removed fromthe home of such a relative and application had been made therefor.
(h) "The blind" means not only those who are totally andpermanently devoid of vision, but also those persons whose vision is sodefective as to prevent the performance of ordinary activities for whicheyesight is essential.
(i) "General assistance" means financial assistance in which thecost of such financial assistance is not participated in by the federalgovernment. General assistance may be limited to transitional assistancein some instances as specified by rules and regulations adopted by the secretary.
(j) "Recipient" means a person who has received assistanceunder the terms of this act.
(k) "Intake office" means the place where the secretary shallmaintain an office for receiving applications.
(l) "Adequate consideration" means consideration equal, orreasonably proportioned to the value of that for which it is given.
(m) "Transitional assistance" means a form of general assistance inwhich as little financial assistance as one payment may be made during eachperiod of 12 consecutive calendar months to an eligible and needy personand all other persons for whom such person is legally responsible.
(n) "Title IV-D" means part D of title IV of the federal social securityact (42 U.S.C. § 651, et seq.), or acts amendatory thereof or supplementalthereto as in effect on May 1, 1997.
History: L. 1937, ch. 327, § 2; L. 1951, ch. 288, § 1; L.1953, ch. 391, § 34; L. 1955, ch. 236, § 1; L. 1957, ch. 268, § 1; L.1963, ch. 255, § 1; L. 1967, ch. 245, § 1; L. 1969, ch. 226, § 1; L.1973, ch. 186, § 2; L. 1978, ch. 159, § 1; L. 1981, ch. 185, §1; L. 1983, ch. 143, § 1;L. 1997, ch. 182, § 68; July 3.