- 39-301
- 39-302
- 39-303
- 39-304
- 39-305
- 39-305a
- 39-306
- 39-307
- 39-308 to 39-310
- 39-311
- 39-312
- 39-313
- 39-314 to 39-318
- 39-319
- 39-320 to 39-322
- 39-323
- 39-324
- 39-325, 39-326
- 39-327
- 39-328
- 39-328a
- 39-329, 39-330
- 39-331
- 39-332
- 39-333. Discontinuance of asylum or farm and disposition of property; election, when.
- 39-334
- 39-335 to 39-339
- 39-340
- 39-340a
- 39-340b
- 39-340c
- 39-341
- 39-342
- 39-342a
- 39-342b, 39-342c
- 39-342d
- 39-342e
- 39-343. Sale of asylum or farm in counties over 25,000; sale price and terms.
- 39-344. Sale of asylum or farm in counties over 25,000; appraisement procedure.
- 39-345
- 39-346
- 39-347
- 39-348. Same; election for sale as formerly required under 39-347.
- 39-349. Same; use of proceeds of sale or levy.
- 39-350. Same; maintenance of asylums.
- 39-351. Supplemental nature of 39-349 to 39-351.
- 39-352, 39-353
- 39-354 to 39-357
- 39-358
- 39-359
- 39-360 to 39-362
- 39-363
- 39-364
- 39-365. Proceeds from sale of certain county farm realty to special building fund; use.
- 39-366. Building for the poor in certain counties; issuance of bonds.
- 39-367. Sale of all or part of county farm in certain counties between 9,000 and 10,000.
- 39-368. Same; appraisement; report; notice; hearing for confirmation; objections; approval or finding as to actual value.