38-534. Same; issuance of bonds in counties party to undertaking, when; election provisions.


Chapter 38.--MINORS

      38-534.   Same; issuance of bonds in counties party to undertaking,when; election provisions.The board of county commissioners of any county party to a jointundertaking as authorized by this act is hereby empowered by resolutionand order of said board to submit to the qualified electors of thecounty at a general or special election the question of the issuance ofthe bonds of said county in an amount not exceeding two hundred thousanddollars ($200,000) for the purpose of providing funds for theconstruction, enlargement, remodeling, equipping and furnishing the saiddetention home or juvenile farm and the acquisition of necessary groundtherefor or for any one or more of such purposes. Action by the board ofcounty commissioners as herein authorized may be compelled by therebeing presented to said board a petition signed by twenty-five percent(25%) of the electors of said county as evidenced by the total vote castin said county for secretary of state at the last preceding generalelection.

      The board of county commissioners shall submit the question to thequalified electors of the county at the next general election to be heldin the county, or if no general election shall be held within six (6)months from the date said petition is presented, then at a specialelection which shall be called for that purpose, if requested in thepetition. On submitting any such proposition to the electors of thecounty at a general or special election the ballots shall have printedthereon the nature of the proposal, and if a majority of the votes castat such general or special election, shall be in favor of the issuanceof bonds for the purpose of constructing, enlarging, remodeling,equipping and furnishing the same, and the purchase of such ground asmay be necessary, or for any one or more of such purposes, it shall bethe duty of the board of county commissioners to take action forthwithfor the issuance of such bonds: Provided, That no such bonds shallbe issued until and unless the other county or counties shall likewisehave authorized the issuance of bonds for such purpose or purposes inthe amount agreed upon by the boards of county commissioners parties tothe joint undertaking.

      The question of the issuance of bonds may be submitted to theelectors of the county at the same time and as a part of the submissionof the question of establishing of a detention home or juvenile farm asauthorized by K.S.A. 38-528. All bonds issued under theauthority of this section shall be issued, sold, delivered and retiredin accordance with the provisions of the general bond law.

      History:   L. 1963, ch. 252, § 7; June 30.