38-523. Farm or home; election; petition; bonds or tax levy.
38-523. Farm or home; election; petition; bonds or tax levy.The board of county commissioners of any county having a population ofmore than 120,000 wherein territory hasbeen designated as an urban area may acquire the necessary grounds anderect and provide for the maintenance of suitable buildings, improvements,facilities and equipment for ajuvenile farm or detention home forchildren under the age of 18 years who are deprived, wayward, miscreant,delinquent, children in need of care or juvenile offenders. In any such county theboard of county commissioners may submit the question of theestablishing, improving and equipping the detention home or juvenilefarm to the qualified electors of the county, at a general election orat a special election called for that purpose.Upon the presentationof a petition signed by more than 2,500 of thequalified electors of the county, as determined by the electioncommissioner from the poll books in the elections office, the board of countycommissioners shall be required to submit thequestion to the voters at a general election or at a special electioncalled for such purpose. There shall also be submitted at the sameelection the question of whether the funds required for theestablishing, improving and equipping of such detention home orjuvenile farm and grounds shall be raised by the issuance of bonds in anamount not exceeding$150,000 or bya special tax levy of one mill on each dollar of assessed taxabletangible property in the county, for a period of one year.
If amajority of those voting on such proposition vote in favor ofestablishing the detention home or juvenile farm and shall elect toraise the funds necessary therefor by the issuance of bonds, thecounty commissioners may issue general obligation bonds of the county inthe sum determined necessary by the board to purchase the land andestablish, improve and equip the detention home or juvenile farm andgrounds, but the sum shall not exceed $150,000. The bonds shall beissued, registered, sold, delivered andretired in accordance with the provisions of the general bond law. Thebonds shall not be subject to nor within any bonded debt limitationprescribed by the laws of the state and shall not be considered orincluded in applying any other law limiting bonded indebtedness.
If amajority of those voting on the proposition vote in favor ofestablishing the detention home or juvenile farm and grounds, and electto raise the funds necessary therefor by a special tax levy, thecounty commissioners shall levy a tax upon allof the taxable tangible property in the county in the amount determinednecessary to purchase the property and improve and equip the detentionhome or juvenile farm and grounds, but the tax so levied shall notexceed one mill on each dollar of the assessed tangible valuation in thecounty for one year. The tax levy herein authorized shall be inaddition to all other tax levies authorized or limited by law, and shallnot be subject to nor within the aggregate tax levy limits prescribed byK.S.A. 79-1947 oramendments thereto.
History: L. 1959, ch. 152, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 182, § 129; Jan. 1, 1983.