38-2386. Law enforcement power.
38-2386. Law enforcement power.Thesuperintendent of any juvenile correctionalfacility operated by the commissioner, all persons on the staff of the juvenilejustice authority whoare in the chain of command from the commissioner of juvenile justice to thejuvenile correctionsofficer and every juvenile corrections officer, regardless of rank and everyinvestigator, while actingwithin the scope of their duties as employees of the juvenile justiceauthority, shall possess suchpowers and duties of a law enforcement officer as are necessary for performingsuch duties for thepurpose of regaining or maintaining custody, security and control of any personin the custody of thecommissioner and may exercise such powers and duties anywhere within the stateof Kansas. Suchpowers and duties may be exercised outside the state of Kansas for the purposeof maintainingcustody, security and control of any person in the custody of the commissionerbeing transported orescorted by anyone authorized to so act. Such employees of the juvenile justiceauthority shall beresponsible to and shall be at all times under the supervision and control ofthe commissioner ofjuvenile justice or the commissioner's designee.
History: L. 2006, ch. 169, § 86; Jan. 1, 2007.