38-2206. Appointment of special advocate.
38-2206. Appointment of special advocate.(a) The court at any stage of a proceedingpursuant to this code may appoint a special advocate for the child who shallserve until dischargedby the court and whose primary duties shall be to advocate the best interestsof the child and assistthe child in obtaining a permanent, safe and homelike placement. Thecourt-appointed specialadvocate shall have such qualifications and perform such specific duties andresponsibilities asprescribed by rule of the supreme court.
(b) Any person participating in a judicial proceeding as a court-appointedspecial advocateshall be presumed prima facie to be acting in good faith and in sodoing shallbe immune from anycivil liability that otherwise might be incurred or imposed.
History: L. 2006, ch. 200, § 6; Jan. 1, 2007.