38-1808. Family and children investment fund; family and children trust account, permanent families account, and family and children endowment account; authorized expenditures; receipts; interest.
38-1808. Family and children investment fund; familyand children trust account, permanent families account, and family and childrenendowment account; authorized expenditures; receipts; interest.(a) There is hereby established in the state treasury the family and childreninvestment fund. The family and children investment fund shall be administeredas provided in this section.
(b) There shall be credited to the family and children investment fundappropriations, gifts, grants, contributions, matching funds and participantpayments.
(c) (1) There is hereby created the family and children trust account inthe family and children investment fund. The secretary of social andrehabilitation services shall administer the family and children trust account.
(2) Moneys credited to the family and children trust account shall be usedfor the following purposes: (A) Matching federal moneys to purchase servicesrelating tocommunity-based programsfor the broad range of child abuse and neglect prevention activities; (B)providing start-up orexpansion grants for community-based prevention projects for the broad range ofchild abuse andneglect prevention activities; (C) studying and evaluating community-basedprevention projects forthe broad range of child abuse and neglect prevention activities; (D)preparing, publishing,purchasing and disseminating educational material dealing with the broad rangeof child abuse andneglect prevention activities; and (E) payment of the administrative costs ofthe family and childrentrust account and of that portion of the Kansas children's cabinet, establishedpursuant to K.S.A.38-1901, and amendments thereto, which are attributable to thefamily and children trustaccount, and that portion of the administrative costs of the board of trustees,of the Kansas publicemployees retirement system established by K.S.A. 74-4905, and amendmentsthereto, which areattributable to the family and children endowment account of the family andchildren investmentfund. No moneys in the family and children trust account shall be used for thepurpose of providingservices for the voluntary termination of pregnancy.
(3) Expenditures from the family and children trust account shall be subjectto the approvalof the Kansas children's cabinet established pursuant to K.S.A. 38-1901, andamendments thereto. All expenditures from the family and children trust accountshall be made inaccordance with appropriation acts upon warrants of the director of accountsand reports issuedpursuant to vouchers approved by the secretary of social and rehabilitationservices or a persondesignated by the secretary.
(d) (1) There is hereby created the permanent families account in thefamily and childreninvestment fund. The judicial administrator of the courts shall administer thisaccount.
(2) Moneys credited to the permanent families account shall be used for thefollowingpurposes: (A) Not more than 12% of the amount credited to the permanentfamilies account duringthe fiscal year may be used to provide technical assistance to district courts or local groups wantingto establish a local citizen review board or a court-appointed special advocate program, includingbut not limited to such staff as necessary to provide such assistance, and to provide servicesnecessary for the administration of such board or program, including but not limited to grantsadministration, accounting, data collection, report writing and training of local citizen review boardstaff; (B) grants to court-appointed special advocate programs, upon application approved by thechief judge of the judicial district where the program is located; and (C) grants todistrict courts, upon application of the chief judge of the judicialdistrict, for expensesof establishment, operation and evaluation of local citizen review boards in the judicial district,including costs of: (i) Employing local citizen review board coordinators andclerical staff; (ii)telephone, photocopying and office equipment and supplies for which there areshown to be no localfunds available; (iii) mileage of staff and board members; and (iv) trainingstaff and board members.
(3) In addition to the other duties and powers provided by law, inadministering thepermanent families account, the judicial administrator shall:
(A) Accept and receive grants, loans, gifts or donations from any public orprivate entity insupport of programs administered by the judicial administrator and assist inthe development ofsupplemental funding sources for local and state programs;
(B) consider applications for and make such grants from the permanentfamilies account asauthorized by law; and
(C) receive reports from local citizen review boards established pursuant toK.S.A. 38-1812,and amendments thereto, regarding the status of children under the supervisionof the district courtsand regarding systemic barriers to permanence for children, assure thatappropriate data ismaintained regularly and compiled at least once a year by such boards on allcases reviewed andassure that the effectiveness of such boards is evaluated on an ongoing basis,using, where possible,random selection of local citizen review boards and cases for the evaluationand including clientoutcome data to determine effectiveness.
(4) All expenditures from the permanent families account shall be made inaccordance withappropriation acts upon warrants of the director of accounts and reports issuedpursuant to vouchersapproved by the judicial administrator or a person designated by the judicialadministrator.
(e) The family and children endowment account of the family and childreninvestment fundshall constitute and shall be administered as an endowment for the purposes forwhich expendituresmay be made from the family and children trust account of the family andchildren investment fund.The family and children endowment account of the family and children investmentfund shall beinvested by the board of trustees of the Kansas public employees retirementsystem established byK.S.A. 74-4905, and amendments thereto. All interest or other income of theinvestments of themoneys in the family and children trust endowment account of the familyandchildren investmentfund, after payment of any management and administrative fees, shall beconsidered income of thefamily and children trust account of the family and children investment fundand shall be depositedin the state treasury to the credit of the family and children trust account ofthe family and childreninvestment fund.
(f) On or before the 10th of each month, the director of accounts and reportsshall transferfrom the state general fund to the family and children investment fund interestearnings based on:
(1) The average daily balance of moneys in the family and children investmentfund for thepreceding month, excluding all amounts credited to the family and childrenendowment account ofthe family and children investment fund; and
(2) the net earnings rate of the pooled money investment portfolio for thepreceding month.
History: L. 1992, ch. 313, § 8;L. 1993, ch. 243, § 2;L. 1996, ch. 253, § 6;L. 1997, ch. 156, § 81;L. 1999, ch. 172, § 7;L. 2000, ch. 159, § 7; July 1.