36-604. Ejection of person from hotel premises; when.



      36-604.   Ejection of person from hotel premises;when.An innkeeper may eject a person from the hotelpremises, without return of such person's room rental payment, for any of thefollowing reasons:

      (a)   Nonpayment of the hotel's charges for accommodations orservices;

      (b)   the person is engaged in disorderly conduct as defined in K.S.A.21-4101, andamendments thereto, or has been the subject of complaints from other guests ofthe hotel;

      (c)   the person is using the premises for an unlawful act, including but notlimited to the unlawful use or possession of controlled substances by suchperson in violation of K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 21-36a01 through 21-36a17, andamendmentsthereto, or theuse ofthe premises for the consumptionof alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage by any person under the age of 21years in violation of K.S.A. 41-727, and amendments thereto;

      (d)   the person has brought property onto the hotel premiseswhich may be dangerous to other persons as defined in K.S.A. 21-4201 et seq.,and amendments thereto;

      (e)   the person is not a registered guest of the hotel;

      (f)   the person has exceeded the limitations for guest room occupancyestablished by the hotel;

      (g)   the person has obtained the accommodation under false pretenses;

      (h)   the person is a minor and is not under the supervision of the adult whohas obtained the accommodation;

      (i)   the person has violated any federal, state or local laws or regulationsrelating to the hotel; or

      (j)   the person has violated any rule of the hotel which isposted in a conspicuous place and manner in the hotel asprovided in K.S.A. 36-605, except that no such rule may authorizethe innkeeper toeject or to refuse or deny service or accommodations to a person because ofrace, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry.

      History:   L. 1997, ch. 144, § 4;L. 2009, ch. 32, § 46; July 1.