36-402. Same; liability for loss or damage to property of guests limited, when.



      36-402.   Same; liability for loss or damage to property of guestslimited, when.(a) No hotel or motel keeper in this state shall be liable for the lossof, or damage to, any baggage, luggage, wearing apparel, personaleffects or other like property of a guest, lodger or boarder in anamount in excess of two hundred fifty dollars ($250), unless the samehas actually been delivered by such guest, lodger or boarder, to suchhotel or motel keeper, or his authorized agent or clerk in theregistration office of such hotel, or motel for safekeeping, in whichevent a receipt for each such article shall thereupon issue or in lieuthereof such hotel or motel keeper shall assume liability in a largeramount with reference to such property.

      (b)   No hotel or motel keeper in this state shall be liable for theloss of, or damage to, merchandise for sale or samples belonging to aguest, lodger or boarder unless the guest, lodger or boarder uponentering the hotel or motel, shall give notice of having merchandise forsale or samples in his possession, together with an itemized list ofsuch property, to the hotel or motel keeper, or his authorized agent orclerk in the registration office of the hotel or motel. No hotel ormotel keeper shall be liable for any loss of such property designated inthis subsection (b), after notice and itemized statement having beengiven and delivered as aforesaid, in an amount in excess of two hundredfifty dollars ($250), unless such hotel or motel keeper by specificagreement in writing, individually, or by an authorized agent or clerkin charge of the registration office of the hotel or motel, shallvoluntarily assume liability for a larger amount with reference to suchproperty. The hotel or motel keeper shall not be compelled to receivesuch guests, lodgers or boarders with merchandise for sale or samples.

      (c)   With respect to money, jewelry, diamonds, or other valuablestones, articles of silver and gold, tickets, certificates or other likevaluables, no hotel or motel keeper shall be liable for the loss thereofor damage thereto unless the same, together with an itemized listthereof, has actually been delivered by such guest, lodger or boarder,to such hotel or motel keeper, or his authorized agent or clerk in theregistration office of such hotel or motel, and the receipt thereofacknowledged by the delivery to such guest or boarder of a claim checkor receipt of the hotel or motel for such property. No hotel or motelkeeper shall be liable for the loss of any property specified in thisparagraph (c), after delivery of such property and the receipt thereforas aforesaid, in an amount in excess of two hundred fifty dollars($250), unless such hotel or motel keeper by a specific agreement inwriting individually, or by an authorized agent or clerk in charge ofthe registration office of such hotel or motel, shall voluntarily assumeliability in a larger amount in reference to such property.

      (d)   No hotel or motel keeper in this state shall be liable for theloss of, or damage to, any other property not heretofore described inK.S.A. 36-402, in an amount in excess of two hundred fifty dollars($250), unless such hotel or motel keeper by a specific agreement inwriting, individually, or by an authorized agent or clerk in charge ofthe registration office of such hotel or motel, shall voluntarily assumeliability in a larger amount with reference to any such property.

      History:   L. 1959, ch. 196, § 2; June 30.