32-969. Wild turkey permits; tags; definitions.
32-969. Wild turkey permits; tags;definitions.On and after January 1, 2005:
(a) Except as otherwise provided by law or rules andregulations of thesecretary and in addition to any other license, permit or stamp required by lawor rules andregulations of the secretary, a valid wild turkey permit and game tags arerequired to take anywild turkey in this state.
(b) The fee for wild turkey permits and game tags shall be the amountprescribed pursuant to K.S.A. 32-988, and amendments thereto.
(c) A wild turkey permit and game tags are valid throughout the state or suchportion thereof as provided by rules and regulations adopted by the secretaryin accordance with K.S.A.32-805, and amendments thereto.
(d) Unless otherwise provided by law or rules and regulations of thesecretary, a wildturkey permit and game tags are valid from the date of issuance and shallexpire at the end of theseason for which issued.
(e) The secretary may adopt, in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805, and amendmentsthereto, rules and regulations for each regular or special wild turkey huntingseason and for each management unit regarding wild turkey permits and gametags. The secretary is hereby authorized to issue wild turkey permits and gametags pertaining to the takingof wild turkeys.No wild turkey permits or game tags shall be issued until the secretary hasestablished, by rulesand regulations adopted in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805, and amendmentsthereto, a regular orspecial wild turkey hunting season.
(f) A wild turkey permit shall state the number and sex of wild turkeyswhich may bekilled by the permittee. The secretary may require a wild turkey permittee toprovide survey information atthe conclusion of the open season.
(g) If required by the secretary, the permittee shall permanentlyaffix the carcass tag tothe carcass of anywild turkeyimmediately after killing, in accordance with rules andregulations adopted by the secretary. Thereafter, the permitteeshall take such killed wild turkey to a check station as may be required inthe rules andregulations, where a check station tag shall be affixed to the wild turkeycarcass if the kill islegal. Any tag shallremain affixed to the carcass until the carcass isprocessed for storage or consumption. The permittee shall retain the carcasstag until the carcass is consumed, given to another or otherwise disposed of.
(h) Fifty percent of the wild turkey permits authorized fora regular season in anymanagement unit shall be issued to landowners or tenants, provided that alimited number ofwild turkey permits have been authorized. A landowner or tenant is noteligible to apply for awild turkey permit as a landowner or as a tenant in a management unit otherthan the unit or unitswhich include such landowner's or tenant's land. Any wild turkey permits notissued tolandowners or tenants within the time period prescribed by rule and regulationmay be issuedwithout regard to the 50% limitation.
(i) Members of the immediate family who are domiciled witha landowner ortenant mayapply for a resident wild turkey permit as a landowner or as a tenant, but thetotal number oflandowner or tenant wild turkey permits issued to a landowner or tenant and alandowner's ortenant's immediate family shall not exceed one permit for each 80 acres ownedby suchlandowner or operated by such tenant. Evidence of ownership or tenancy, ifrequested, shall beprovided to the department.
(j) As used in this section:
(1) "Landowner" means a resident owner of farm or ranch land of 80 acres ormore located in the state of Kansas.
(2) "Tenant" means an individual who is actively engaged in the agriculturaloperation of80 acres or more of Kansas farm or ranch land for the purpose of producingagriculturalcommodities or livestock and who: (A) Has a substantial financial investment inthe productionof agricultural commodities or livestock on such farm or ranch land and thepotential to realizesubstantial financial benefit from such production; or (B) is a bona fidemanager having anoverall responsibility to direct, supervise and conduct such agriculturaloperation and has thepotential to realize substantial benefit from such production in the form ofsalary, shares of suchproduction or some other economic incentive based upon such production.Evidence of tenancy, if requested, shall be provided to the department andmay include, but is not limited to, natural resource conservation servicesrecords, farm service agency records, or written agricultural contract or leasedocumentation.
(3) "Regular season" means a statewide wild turkey hunting season authorizedannually which may include one or more seasons restricted to specific types ofequipment.
(4) "Special season" means a wild turkey hunting season in addition to aregular seasonauthorized on an irregular basis or at different times of the year other thanthe regular season.
(5) "General permit" means a wild turkey hunting permit available to Kansasresidents not applying for wild turkey permits as a landowner or tenant.
(6) "Nonresident permit" means a wild turkey hunting permit available toindividuals who are not Kansas residents.
History: L. 2004, ch. 99, § 12;L. 2007, ch. 133, § 6;L. 2008, ch. 17, § 1; July 1.