32-701. Definitions.
32-701. Definitions.As used in the wildlife and parks laws of this state,unless the contextotherwise requires or specifically defined otherwise:
(a) "Big game animal" means any antelope, deer or elk.
(b) "Commission" means the Kansas wildlife and parks commission createdby K.S.A. 32-805, and amendments thereto.
(c) "Department" means the Kansas department of wildlife and parks.
(d) "Fish," as a verb, means take, in any manner, any fish.
(e) "Furbearing animal" means any badger, beaver,bobcat, grey fox, lynx, marten, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, redfox, spotted skunk, striped skunk, swift fox or weasel.
(f) "Furharvest" means:
(1) Take, in any manner, any furbearing animal; or
(2) trap or attempt to trap any coyote.
(g) "Game animal" means any big game animal, wild turkey or small gameanimal.
(h) "Game bird" means any grouse, partridge, pheasant, prairie chicken orquail.
(i) "Hunt" means:
(1) Take, in any manner, any wildlife other than afish, bullfrog, furbearing animal or coyote; or
(2) take, in any manner other than by trapping, any coyote.
(j) "Motor vehicle" means a vehicle, other than a motorized wheelchair,which is self-propelled.
(k) "Motorized wheelchair" means any self-propelled vehicle designedspecifically for use by a physically disabled person that is incapable of aspeed in excess of 15 miles per hour.
(l) "Nonresident" means any person who has not been a bona fide residentof this state for the immediately preceding 60 days.
(m) "On a commercial basis" means for valuable consideration.
(n) "Person" means any individual or any unincorporatedassociation,trust, partnership, public or private corporation or governmental entity,including foreign governments, or any officer, employee, agent or agencythereof.
(o) "Private water fishing impoundment" means one or more waterimpoundments:
(1) Constructed by man rather than natural, located wholly within theboundary of the lands owned or leased by the person operating the privatewater impoundments; and
(2) entirely isolated from other surface water so that the impoundmentdoes not have any connection either continuously or at intervals, exceptduring periods of floods, with streams or other bodies of water so as topermit the fish to move between streams or other bodies of water and theprivate water impoundments, except that the private water impoundments may beconnected with a stream orother body of water by a pipeor conduit if fish will be prevented at all times from movingbetween streams or other bodies of water and the private water impoundment byscreening the flow or by other means.
(p) "Resident" means any person who has maintained the person's place ofpermanent abode in this state for a period of 60 days immediately preceding theperson's application for any license, permit, stamp or other issue of thedepartment. Domiciliary intent is required to establish that a person ismaintaining the person's place or permanent abode in this state. Mere ownershipof property is not sufficient to establish domiciliary intent. Evidence ofdomiciliary intent includes, without limitation, the location where the personvotes, pays personal income taxes or obtains a driver's license.
(q) "Secretary" means the secretary of wildlife and parks.
(r) "Small game" means any game bird, hare,rabbit or squirrel.
(s) "Species" includes any subspecies of wildlife and any othergroup ofwildlife of the same species or smaller taxa in common spatial arrangementthat interbreed when mature.
(t) "Take" means harass, harm, pursue, shoot, wound, kill,molest, trap,capture, collect, catch, possess or otherwise take, or attempt to engage inany such conduct.
(u) "Wildlife" means any member of the animal kingdom,including,without limitation, any mammal, fish, bird, amphibian, reptile, mollusk,crustacean, arthropod or other invertebrate, and includes any part,product, egg or offspring thereof, or the dead body or parts thereof.Wildlife does not include agricultural livestock (cattle, swine, sheep,goats, horses, mules and other equines) and poultry (domestic chickens, turkeysand guinea fowl).
History: L. 1989, ch. 118, § 1;L. 1992, ch. 166, § 6;L. 1993, ch. 185, § 1;L. 1995, ch. 164, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 99, § 1; Jan. 1, 2005.