32-1301. Definitions.



      32-1301.   Definitions.As used in this act:

      (a)   "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation,association, municipality or other business entity.

      (b)   "Wildlife sanctuary" means a not-for-profit organization exempt fromfederal income taxation pursuant to section 501 (c)(3) of the internal revenuecode of 1986, as in effect on July 1, 2006, that:

      (1)   Operates a place of refuge where abused, neglected, unwanted, impounded,abandoned, orphaned or displaced dangerous regulated animals are provided carefor suchanimal's lifetime;

      (2)   does not conduct any commercial activity with respect to any dangerousregulatedanimal possessed bythe organization;

      (3)   does not sell, trade, auction, lease or loan dangerous regulated animals,or partsthereof, which theorganization possesses;

      (4)   does not breed any dangerous regulated animal of which the organizationpossesses,except as an integralpart of the species survival plan of the American zoo and aquarium association;

      (5)   does not conduct any activity that is not inherent to the dangerousregulated animal's nature;

      (6)   does not use the dangerous regulated animal for any type of entertainmentpurposes; and

      (7)   operates a refuge in compliance with regulations promulgated by theUnited States department of agriculture for dangerous regulated animals, exceptnon-native, venomous snakes,underthe animalwelfare act, public law 89-544, as amended and in effect on July 1, 2006, andthe regulations and standards adopted under such act in effect on July 1, 2006,relating to operations, animal health and husbandry.All dangerous regulated animals shall be caged in compliance with theprovisions set forth inK.S.A. 2009 Supp.32-1306, and amendments thereto.

      (c)   "Possess" means to own, care for, have custody of or control.

      (d)   "Dangerous regulated animal" means a live or slaughtered parts of:

      (1)   Lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs and mountain lions, or anyhybrid thereof;

      (2)   bears or any hybrid thereof; and

      (3)   all non-native, venomous snakes.

      (e)   "Local animal control authority" means an agency of the countyor city that is responsible for animalcontroloperations in such governmental entity's jurisdictionand includes the animal control officer, as defined by K.S.A. 47-1701, andamendments thereto, of such county or city. If the county or city does not havean animal control officer, for cities of the first class, the chief lawenforcement officer shall have the local animal control authority duties andresponsibilities pursuant to this act and for all other cities and counties,the county sheriff shall have the local animal control authority duties andresponsibilities pursuant to this act.

      (f)   "Registered designated handler" means a person who is registered or wouldbe required to be registered pursuant toK.S.A. 2009 Supp.32-1310, andamendments thereto.

      History:   L. 2006, ch. 131, § 1; July 1.