32-1111. Application for certificate of number; display, inspection, renewal; temporary permit; transfer, destruction or abandonment of vessel; vessels documented by coast guard; rules and regulations



      32-1111.   Application for certificate of number;display, inspection, renewal; temporarypermit; transfer, destruction or abandonment of vessel; vessels documented bycoast guard; rules andregulations.(a) The owner of each vessel requiring numbering by this state shall file anapplication for number with the secretary on forms approved by the secretary.The application shall be signed by the owner of the vessel and shall beaccompanied by the vessel registration fee prescribed pursuant to K.S.A.32-1172, and amendments thereto, and by proof of payment of anytax imposed under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-187, 12-198, the Kansasretailers' sales tax act or the Kansas compensating tax act, and amendmentsthereto, as the case requires, upon forms devised and furnished by thedepartment of revenue to every county treasurer for such purpose. Upon receiptof the application in approved form and proof of payment of sales orcompensating tax, the secretary shall enter the same upon the records of thedepartment and issue to the applicant a certificate of number stating thenumber awarded to the vessel and the name and address of the owner. Unlessotherwise provided by rules and regulations, the owner shall paint on or attachto each side of the bow of the vessel the identification number in such manneras prescribed by rules and regulations of the secretary in order that it may beclearly visible. The number shall be maintained in legible condition. Thecertificate of number shall be pocket size and, unless otherwise provided byrules and regulations, shall be available at all times for inspection on thevessel for which issued, whenever such vessel is in operation. No personcharged with a violation of the preceding sentence shall be convicted of suchoffense if such person produces in court or the office of the arresting officera certificate of number issued and valid at the time of such person's arrest.

      (b)   The owner of any vessel already covered by a number in full force andeffect which has been awarded to it pursuant to the then operative federal lawor a federally approved numbering system of another state shall record thenumber prior to operating the vessel on the waters of this state in excess ofthe 60-day reciprocity period provided for in subsection (1) of K.S.A.32-1113, and amendments thereto. Such recordation shall be in the mannerand pursuant to the procedure required for the award of a number under thissubsection, including the submission of proof of payment of sales orcompensating tax, except that no additional or substitute number shall beissued.

      (c)   Should the ownership of a numbered vessel change, a new application formwith fee and proof of payment of sales or compensating tax shall be filed withthe secretary and a new certificate of number shall be awarded in the samemanner as provided for in an original award of number, except that where thestate of principal use remains unchanged the number may be identical with theprevious one.

      (d)   If an agency of the United States government has in force an overallsystem of identification numbering for vessels within the United States, thenumbering system employed pursuant to this act by the secretary shall be inconformity therewith.

      (e)   The secretary may award any certificate of number directly or mayauthorize any person to act as agent for the awarding thereof. If a personaccepts such authorization, such person may be assigned a block of numbers andcertificates therefor which upon award, in conformity with this act and withany rules and regulations of the secretary, shall be valid as if awardeddirectly by the secretary.

      (f)   All records of the secretary made or kept pursuant to this section shallbe public records.

      (g)   Every certificate of number awarded pursuant to this act shall continuein full force and effect for a period of three years unless sooner terminatedor discontinued in accordance with the provisions of this act. Certificates ofnumber may be renewed by the owner in the same manner provided for in theinitial securing of the number.

      (h)   The secretary shall fix a day and month of the year on which certificatesof number due to expire during the calendar year shall lapse and no longer beof any force and effect unless renewed pursuant to this act.

      (i)   The owner shall furnish the secretary notice of the transfer of all orany part of such owner's interest other than the creation of a securityinterest in a vessel numbered in this state pursuant to subsections (a) and (b)or of the destruction or abandonment of such vessel within 15 days thereof.Such transfer, destruction, or abandonment shall terminate the certificate ofnumber for such vessel and the certificate of number shall be surrendered tothe secretary as a part of the notification of transfer, destruction, orabandonment except, that in the case of a transfer of a part interest whichdoes not affect the owner's right to operate such vessel, such transfer shallnot terminate the certificate of number.

      (j)   Any holder of a certificate of number shall notify the secretary within15 days if the holder's address no longer conforms to the address appearing onthe certificate and shall, as a part of such notification, furnish thesecretary with a new address. The secretary may provide by rules andregulations for the surrender of the certificate bearing the former address andits replacement with a certificate bearing the new address or for thealteration of an outstanding certificate to show the new address of the holder.

      (k)   No number other than the number awarded to a vessel or grantedreciprocity pursuant to this act shall be painted, attached, or otherwisedisplayed on either side of the bow of such vessel.

      (l)   If a certificate of number becomes lost, destroyed, mutilated orillegible, the owner of the vessel for which the same was issued may obtain aduplicate of such certificate upon application therefor to the secretary. Theapplication shall be in writing, shall describe the circumstances of the lossor destruction and shall be accompanied by the duplicate fee prescribedpursuant to K.S.A. 32-1172, and amendments thereto.

      (m)   The secretary is authorized, in the secretary's discretion, to provideand have issued for vessels requiring registration and numbering under thisact, a 30-day temporary registration permit for the temporary vesselregistration fee prescribed pursuant to K.S.A. 32-1172, andamendments thereto.

      Such permits shall be in the form as prescribed by the secretary and availablefor purchase or resale by any person designated by the secretary. In additionto the permit fee, any person selling such temporary permits may collect aservice charge of not to exceed $1 for each permit issued.

      Such temporary permit shall expire 30 days from the date of issuance.

      (n) (1)   The owner of any vessel documented by the United States CoastGuard and the new owner of any vessel, who upon the sale or transfer of thevessel that documents the vessel with the United States Coast Guard, shallapply for a vessel certificate of registration and pay a fee equal to theamount required for a vessel registration pursuant to K.S.A. 32-1172, andamendments thereto, before using such vessel on the waters of this state. Theapplication shall include the county in which such vessel will be normallymaintained by the owner and any other information required by the secretary.

      A certificate of registration and a set of registration decals in the formprescribed by the secretary shall be issued for a documented vessel. Anonresident shall make application for a vessel certificate of registrationwithin 60 days after acquiring a vessel in this state or bringing a vessel intothis state if the vessel will be kept in this state for a period in excess of60 consecutive days. A delinquency penalty fee of $20 shall be imposed for each30 days of delinquency, not to exceed a total of $60. If the secretary learnsthat any person failed to acquire a vessel certificate of registration inaccordance with this section or has sold a vessel documented by the UnitedStates Coast Guard without obtaining a certificate of registration as providedby this section, the secretary shall cancel the registration of all vesselsregistered in the name of the person, whether as sole owner or a co-owner, andshall notify the person that the cancellation will remain in force until theperson pays the delinquency penalty fee together with all fees, charges andpayments which the person should have paid in connection with the vesselcertificate of registration. The secretary shall maintain a listing of suchregistered documented vessels, to be supplied to the county assessor of eachcounty in the state as required under K.S.A. 32-1104, and amendments thereto.Such vessels shall not be included in the total number of registered vessels ofthe state applied toward the number reflected on any United States Coast Guardgrants, where prohibited.

      (2)   The registration decals for any vessel documented by the United StatesCoast Guard shall be in force and effect for a period of three years so long asthe vessel is owned or held by the original holder of the certificate ofregistration and shall be renewed upon application and payment of aregistration renewal fee equal to the amount required for a vessel registrationpursuant to K.S.A. 32-1172, and amendments thereto. The owner shallattach the registration decals to both sides of the forward half of the bow ofthe documented vessel in a place that is fully visible.

      (3)   Upon the sale or transfer of any vessel documented by the United StatesCoast Guard, the new owner shall submit, in addition to the properly assignedcertificate of registration, proof of release from the documentation of theUnited States Coast Guard and shall comply with the provisions of this section.If the new owner elects not to document the vessel with the United StatesCoast Guard, the owner shall comply with the applicable provisions forregistering vessels in this state.

      (4)   The certificate of registration shall be available at all times forinspection on the vessel for which it is issued, whenever the vessel is inoperation, moored or occupied while on waters within this state.

      (o)   The secretary shall adopt, in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805,and amendments thereto, rules and regulations for the administration of theprovisions of this section, including but not limited to numberingapplications, certificates of number, temporary 30-day permits, display ofnumber and reports on change of address, destruction and sale or transfer ofownership.

      History:   L. 1959, ch. 321, § 4; L. 1961, ch. 471, § 2; L. 1970,ch. 408, § 3; L. 1975, ch. 512, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 436, § 1;L. 1987, ch. 65, § 1;L. 1989, ch. 118, § 143;L. 1993, ch. 185, § 14;L. 2006, ch. 85, § 3; Jan. 1, 2007.