32-1102. Definitions.
32-1102. Definitions.As used in article 11 of chapter 32 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated andamendments thereto, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:
(a) "Vessel" means any watercraft designed to be propelled by machinery,oars, paddles or wind action upon a sail for navigation on the water.
(b) "Motorboat" means any vessel propelled by machinery, whether ornot such machinery is the principal source of propulsion.
(c) "Owner" means a person, other than a lienholder, having theproperty in or title to a vessel. The term includes a person entitled tothe use or possession of a vessel subject to an interest in anotherperson, reserved or created by agreement and securing payment orperformance of an obligation, but the term excludes a lessee under alease not intended as security.
(d) "Waters of this state" means any waters within the territoriallimits of this state.
(e) "Person" means an individual, partnership, firm, corporation,association, or other entity.
(f) "Operate" means to navigate or otherwise use a motorboat or avessel.
(g) "Department" means the Kansas department of wildlife and parks.
(h) "Secretary" means the secretary of wildlife and parks.
(i) "Length" means the length of the vessel measured from end to end over thedeck excluding sheer.
(j) "Operator" means the person who operates or has charge of the navigationor use of a motorboat or a vessel.
(k) "Undocumented vessel" means a vessel which is not required to have, anddoes not have, a valid marine document issued by the United States coast guardor federal agency successor thereto.
(l) "Reportable boating accident" means an accident, collision or othercasualty involving a vessel subject to this act which results in loss of life,injury sufficient to require first aid or medical attention, or actual physicaldamage to property, including a vessel, in excess of an amount established byrules and regulations adopted by the secretary in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805and amendments thereto.
(m) "Marine sewage" means any substance that contains any of the wasteproducts, excrement or other discharges from the bodies of human beings oranimals, or foodstuffs or materials associated with foodstuffs intended forhuman consumption.
(n) "Marine toilet" means any latrine, head, lavatory or toilet which isintended to receive marine sewage and which is located on or in any vessel.
(o) "Passenger" means any individual who obtains passage or is carried inor on a vessel.
(p) "Sail board" means a surfboard using for propulsion a free sail systemcomprising one or more swivel-mounted rigs (mast, sail and booms) supported inan upright position by the crew and the wind.
(q) "Dealer" means any person who:
(1) For a commission or with an intent to make a profit or gain of money orother thing of value, sells, barters, exchanges, leases or rents with theoption to purchase, offers, attempts to sell, or negotiates the sale of anyvessel, whether or not the vessel is owned by such person;
(2) maintains an established place of business with sufficient space todisplay vessels at least equal in number to the number of dealer certificatesof number the dealer has been assigned; and
(3) maintains signage easily visible from the street identifying theestablished place of business.
(r) "Demonstrate" means to operate a vessel on the waters of this statefor the purpose of selling, trading, negotiating or attempting to negotiate thesale or exchange of interests in new or used vessels or for the purpose oftesting the design or operation of a vessel.
(s) "Sailboat" means any vessel, other than a sail board, that is designedto be propelled by wind action upon a sail for navigation on the water.
(t) "Boat livery" means any person offering a vessel or vessels of varyingtypes for rent.
(u) "Cargo" means the items placed within or on a vessel and shall includeany persons or objects towed on water skis, surfboards, tubes or similardevices behind the vessel.
(v) "State of principal use" means the state on the waters of which a vesselis used or to be used most during the calendar year.
(w) "Use" means to operate, navigate or employ.
(x) "Abandoned vessel" means any vessel on public waters or public or privateland which remains unclaimed for a period of 15 consecutive days.
History: L. 1959, ch. 321, § 2;L. 1961, ch. 471, § 1;L. 1970, ch. 408, § 1;L. 1973, ch. 415, § 1;L. 1983, ch. 342, § 1;L. 1986, ch. 393, § 1;L. 1989, ch. 118, § 141;L. 1993, ch. 185, § 13;L. 2000, ch. 70, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 79, § 1;L. 2006, ch. 85, § 1; Jan. 1, 2007.