31-503. Licensure to sell or use fireworks, requirements; permit to conduct fireworks display; fees.
31-503. Licensure to sell or use fireworks,requirements; permit to conduct fireworks display; fees.(a) Any person who intends to sell, offer for sale, possess withintent to sell, any consumer fireworks, display fireworks or articlespyrotechnic or discharge, use, display fireworks or articles pyrotechnic shallfirst obtain the appropriate license from the state fire marshal. This shallnot include seasonal retailers.
(b) The types of license shall be as follows:
(1) Manufacturer;
(2) hobbyist manufacturer;
(3) distributor;
(4) display fireworks operator; and
(5) proximate pyrotechnic operator.
(c) Before a license holder may operate, such license holder must satisfy therequirements of this act and regulations adopted by the state fire marshal.
(d) The license holder shall be at least 21 years of age upon applyingfor a license.
(e) Licenses shall not be transferable.
(f) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the state fire marshalshall have the authority to fix, charge and collect fees as follows:
(1) A manufacturer license shall be valid for a period of one year. Theannual license fee shall not be less than $400 or more than $600. A holder of amanufacturer license is not required to have any additionallicenses in order to manufacture and sell any fireworks defined by this act.
(2) A hobbyist manufacturer license shall be valid for a period of fouryears. The license fee shall not be less than $50 or more than $80.
(3) A distributor license shall be valid for a period of one year. The annualfee shall not be less than $300 or more than $500.
(4) A display fireworks operator license shall be valid for a period of fouryears. The license fee shall not be less than $40 or more than $80.
(5) A proximate pyrotechnics operator license shall be valid for a period offour years. The license fee shall not be less than $40 or more than $80.
(g) A permit to conduct a fireworks display shall be obtained by the sponsoror operator of a fireworks display from and approved by the city or countywhere the fireworks display is to be discharged.
(h) No fee shall be charged for a license or permit under this section forany person who is an officer or employee of the state or any political ortaxing subdivision of the state when that person is acting on behalf of thestate or political or taxing subdivision.
History: L. 2007, ch. 83, § 3; Jan. 1, 2008.