29-102. Construction and composition of fences.


Chapter 29.--FENCES

      29-102.   Construction and composition of fences.All fences composed of posts and rails, posts and palings, posts andplanks, or palisades, or of stone, or composed of posts and wires, orthose composed of turf, shall be at least four feet high. Those composedof rails, commonly called a worm fence, shall be at least four andone-half feet high to the top of the rider, and shall be thoroughly stakedand ridered, or if not staked and ridered shall have the corners lockedwith strong rails, stakes or posts. Those composed of stone shall be atleast 18 inches wide at the bottom and 12inches wide at thetop. Those composed of turf shall be thoroughly staked and ridered, andshall have a ditch on the outside not less than two feet wide at the topand three feet deep. With respect to all fences composed of rails orlumber, the bottomrail, board or plank shall not be more than two feet from the ground. All such fences shall be substantially built and sufficiently closeto prevent domestic animals, other than cats and dogs fromgoing through. All hedge fences shall be of suchheight and thickness as will be sufficient to enclose domestic animalsother than cats and dogs.

      History:   G.S. 1868, ch. 40, § 2; L. 1873, ch. 88, § 1; R.S. 1923,29-102;L. 1986, ch. 195, § 3; July 1.