28-617. Collection and payment of fees to county; monthly statement.


Article 6.--COUNTIES OVER 300,000

      28-617.   Collection and payment of fees to county; monthly statement. All of the officers and other persons herein mentioned shall collect allfees and benefits now authorized by law. All such fees and other income ofor thing of value received, directly or indirectly by them or from theirrespective offices from any source whatsoever including all notary feescollected by any officer, deputy or clerk in any proceeding pending or tobecome pending, filed or to be filed in said office, not hereinspecifically authorized to be retained by them, shall be paid over on thenext secular day, after collection to the county treasurer, accompanied bya sworn statement in such form as the board of county commissioners mayprescribe, to the effect that all fees and other income collected arecorrectly set forth therein. All such fees and income shall be placed bysaid treasurer to the credit of the county general fund. They shall filewith the county auditor a monthly statement of all fees collected.

      History:   L. 1941, ch. 236, § 17; L. 1971, ch. 139, § 1; July 1.