28-226. Penalties for violations; forfeiture of office.


Article 2.--COUNTIES BETWEEN 130,000 AND 185,000

      28-226.   Penalties for violations; forfeiture of office.Any officer, deputy, assistant or clerk mentioned in this act or whosesalary or compensation is herein provided for or authorized, who shall askor receive any fee or reward in money or its equivalent not authorized bythis act or the laws of this state, or who shall fail to make out and fileany report herein provided for, or who shall fail to pay to the countytreasurer any fees or income collected by him in the time and mannerprescribed by this act, or who shall fail, neglect or refuse to perform anyduty enjoined upon him by this act, shall for each offense be adjudgedguilty of a misdemeanor and fined in any sum not exceeding three hundreddollars or confined in the county jail for not to exceed one year or shallreceive a sentence of both such fine and imprisonment. And such failure toperform any of the duties prescribed by this act shall be a forfeiture ofoffice and upon the judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction in acivil action that such officer, deputy, assistant or clerk has forfeitedsuch office, he shall stand suspended during any appeal therefrom. Exceptthe fees of the county attorney in civil and criminal proceedings under thelaws relating to intoxicating liquors and gambling and otherwise providedby law.

      History:   L. 1937, ch. 233, § 19; March 27.