28-223. Additional clerk hire; resolution.


Article 2.--COUNTIES BETWEEN 130,000 AND 185,000

      28-223.   Additional clerk hire; resolution.When no allowance is made in this act for clerical hire in any of thecounty offices herein provided, then the board of county commissionersshall allow such additional amount for clerical hire as may be necessary toproperly expedite the business of said offices. When, in the opinion of thecounty commissioners, the amount of the allowance made in this act forclerical hire shall be insufficient to properly and sufficiently conductthe business of said office, then the board of county commissioners shallallow such additional amount of clerical hire as may be necessary toproperly expedite the business of said office, but not exceeding, however,ten percent of the allowance herein provided: Provided, That noallowance shall be made except by resolution of the board of countycommissioners made in regular session convened, setting out the reason forthe said allowance as made, and the amount of the allowance: And providedfurther, That no allowance shall be made for more than a six monthsperiod and shall not be effective until said resolution shall have beenentered upon the journal and shall have been published once in a paper ofgeneral circulation in the county and no warrants shall be issued for suchadditional clerk hire for any period prior to the date of said publication.

      History:   L. 1937, ch. 233, § 16; March 27.