28-175. Disposition of fees and compensation not authorized to be retained by officers and employees.



      28-175.   Disposition of fees and compensation not authorized to be retainedby officers and employees.County officers and employeesshall receive no compensation, tips, fees,mileage or salaries, which compensation, tips, fees, mileage or salariesare or shall be paid to such officer or employee directly or indirectlyby reason of his or her performance of the duties or obligations of such countyoffice or employment, unless such compensation, tips, fees, mileage orsalaries are specifically allowed to them by law. All such compensation,tips, fees, mileage or salaries received, directly or indirectly by themor from their respective offices from any source whatsoever, whichcompensation, tips, fees, mileage or salaries would not have beenreceived except for such officer's or employee's performance of theduties or obligations of such county office or employment, including allnotary fees collected by any officer, deputy or clerk in any proceedingpending or to become pending, filed or to be filed in said office, notspecifically authorized to be retained by them, shall be paid over onthe first and fifteenth days of each month, or if either of said datesbe a Sunday or legal holiday, then on the next secular day, to thecounty treasurer accompanied by a sworn statement in such form as theboard of county commissioners may prescribe, to the effect that allcompensation, tips, fees, mileage and salaries collected are correctlyset forth therein. All such compensation, tips, fees, mileage andsalaries shall be placed by said treasurer to the credit of the countygeneral fund. Any compensation, fees or other incomewhich are specifically authorized by law to be paid to any countyofficer or employee from public funds of the county may be retained bythem. Any officer or employeereceiving compensation, tips, fees, mileage or salaries from sourcesother than public funds of the county which compensation, tips, fees,mileage or salaries would not have been received except for such countyofficer's or employee's performance of the duties or obligations of hisor her office or employment, shall be reported by such officer or employee tothe county clerk on or before September 10 and on the 10th day of themonth following each quarter year thereafter.

      History:   L. 1968, ch. 266, § 1; L. 1969, ch. 201, § 13; L. 1977,ch. 112, § 14; May 14.