28-137. Fees for publication of legal notices and legal advertisements in newspapers; proof of publication; taxation and collection in actions or proceedings in court.



      28-137.   Fees for publication of legal notices and legal advertisementsin newspapers; proof of publication; taxation and collection in actions orproceedings in court.(a) A newspaper shall charge and receive for publishing a legal advertisementa rate not exceeding the lowest regular classified advertising ratecharged by the newspaper to its commercial customers.

      (b)   On or before July 1 ofeach year, the publisher of each newspaper that publishes any legaladvertisement in this state shall file with the county clerk of the countyin which the newspaper is located a card showing the newspaper's rates forlegal advertisements, which shall be effective for a period of one yearfrom the July 1 on or before which the filing is made.

      (c)   Any contract rates or volume discounts given tocommercial customers by the newspaper shall be available to persons or politicalsubdivisions causing publication of legal advertisements, under the sameterms and conditions as for commercial advertisements.

      (d)   The classified rate for legal advertisements shall not in any year beincreased by more than 15% in excess of the rate for the next preceding year.

      (e)   Proof of the publication of all such notices shallbe made in the manner required by law or the orderor citation of court or summons, and each such proofof publication shall be accompanied by a verified statement of the feesand charges therefor. The fees and charges of all such publications whenmade in any action or proceeding in any court of this state shall betaxed as costs and collected in the same manner as other costs in theaction or proceeding.

      (f)   Failure to charge rates in accordance with this section shallin no way affect the validity of any official public notice or legaladvertisement and shall not subject any such notice or advertisement tolegal attack upon such grounds.

      (g)   As used in this section, "legal advertisement" and"political subdivision" have the meanings provided by K.S.A. 28-137b andamendments thereto.

      History:   R.S. 1923, 28-137; L. 1941, ch. 234, § 1; L. 1949,ch. 264, § 1; L. 1959, ch. 185, § 1; L. 1968, ch. 177, § 1; L. 1973,ch. 134, § 34; L. 1980, ch. 118, § 3; L. 1981, ch. 173, § 2; L.1982, ch. 166, § 4;L. 1989, ch. 115, § 1; July 1.