25-4157a. Contributions; personal use prohibited; uses permitted; acceptance from another candidate or candidate committee; disposition of unexpended balances on termination of campaign.
25-4157a. Contributions; personal use prohibited;uses permitted;acceptance from anothercandidate or candidate committee; disposition of unexpended balances ontermination of campaign.(a) No moneys received by any candidate or candidate committee of anycandidate as a contribution under this act shall be used or be made availablefor the personal use of the candidate and no such moneys shall be used by suchcandidate or the candidate committee of such candidate except for:
(1) Legitimate campaign purposes;
(2) expenses of holding political office;
(3) contributions to the party committees of the political party of whichsuchcandidate is a member;
(4) any membership dues related to the candidate's campaign paid to acommunity service or civic organization in the name of the candidate;
(5) anydonations paid to a community service or civicorganization inthe name of the candidate or candidate committee of any candidatebut only if the candidate receives no goods or services unrelated to thecandidate's campaign as a result of thepayment of such donations;
(6) expenses incurred in the purchase of tickets to mealsand special eventssponsored by any organization the major purpose of which is to promote orfacilitate the social, business, commercial or economic well being of the localcommunity; or
(7) expenses incurred in the purchase and mailing ofgreeting cards tovoters and constituents.
For the purpose of this subsection, expenditures for "personal use" shallinclude expenditures to defray normal living expenses for the candidate or thecandidate's family and expenditures for the personal benefit of the candidatehaving no direct connection with or effect upon the campaign of the candidateor the holding of public office.
(b) No moneys received by any candidate or candidate committee of anycandidate as a contribution shall be used to pay interest or any other financecharges upon moneys loaned to the campaign by such candidate or the spouse ofsuch candidate.
(c) No candidate or candidate committee shall accept from anyothercandidate or candidate committee for any candidate for local, state or nationaloffice, any moneys received by such candidate or candidate committee as acampaign contribution.The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to prohibit acandidate or candidate committee from accepting moneys from anothercandidate or candidate committee if such moneys constitute a reimbursement forone candidate's proportional share of the cost of any campaign activityparticipated in by both candidates involved. Such reimbursement shall notexceed an amount equal to the proportional share of the cost directlybenefiting and attributable to the personal campaign of the candidate makingsuch reimbursement.
(d) At the time of the termination of any campaign and prior tothe filingof a termination report in accordance with K.S.A. 25-4157, and amendmentsthereto, all residual funds otherwise not obligated for thepayment of expensesincurred in such campaign or the holding of office shall be contributed to acharitable organization, as defined by the laws of the state, contributed to aparty committee or returned as a refund in whole or in part to any contributoror contributors from whom received or paid into the general fund of the state.
History: L. 1989, ch. 111, § 1; L. 1990, ch. 306, § 8; L. 1991,ch. 150, § 12; L. 1992, ch. 234, § 1;L. 1995, ch. 157, § 1;L. 1998, ch. 117, § 12;L. 2008, ch. 166, § 6; July 1.