25-4156b. Charges for space in newspapers and other periodicals; excess charges; corrupt political advertising; misdemeanor. [See Revisor's Note]
25-4156b. Charges for space in newspapers and otherperiodicals; excesscharges; corrupt political advertising; misdemeanor. [See Revisor'sNote](a) (1) Whenever any person sells space in any newspaper, magazine or otherperiodical to a candidate or to a candidate committee, party committeeor political committee, the charge made for the use of such space shallnot exceed the charges made for comparable use of such space for otherpurposes.
(2) Intentionally charging an excessive amount for politicaladvertising is a class A misdemeanor.
(b) (1) Corrupt political advertising of a state or local office is:
(A) Publishing or causing to bepublished in a newspaper or otherperiodical any paid matter which expressly advocates thenomination, election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for a stateor local office,unlesssuch matter is followed by the word "advertisement" or theabbreviation "adv." in a separate line together with the name of thechairperson or treasurer of the political or other organizationsponsoring the same or thename of the individual who is responsibletherefor;
(B) broadcasting or causing to be broadcast by any radio or televisionstation any paid matter which expressly advocates thenomination, election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for a stateor local office, unlesssuchmatter is followed by a statementwhich states: "Paidfor" or "Sponsored by" followed by the name of the sponsoring organizationandthe name of the chairperson or treasurer ofthe political orotherorganization sponsoring the same or the nameof the individual who isresponsible therefor;
(C) telephoning or causing to be contacted by any telephonic meansincluding, but not limited to, any device using a voice over internet protocolor wireless telephone,anypaid matter which expressly advocates the nomination, election or defeat of aclearly identified candidate for a state or local office, unless such matter ispreceded by a statement which states: "Paid for" or "Sponsored by" followed bythe name of the sponsoring organization and the name of the chairperson ortreasurer of the political or other organization sponsoring the same or thename of the individual who is responsible therefor; or
(D) publishing or causing to be published any brochure,flier or otherpolitical fact sheet which expressly advocates the nomination,election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for a state or localoffice, unless suchmatter is followed by a statement which states: "Paid for" or "Sponsored by"followed by the name of the chairperson or treasurer ofthe politicalor otherorganization sponsoring the same or the name of the individual whois responsible therefor.
The provisions of this subsection (D) requiring thedisclosure of thename of an individual shall not apply to individuals making expenditures in anaggregate amount of less than $2,500 within a calendar year.
(2) Corrupt political advertising of a state or local office isa class C misdemeanor.
(c) If any provision of this section or application thereof to anyperson or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity does not affect otherprovisions or applications of this section which can be given effect withoutthe invalid application or provision, and to this end the provisions of thissection are declared to be severable.
History: L. 1981, ch. 171, § 15;L. 1985, ch. 124, § 1;L. 1990, ch. 122, § 9;L. 1998, ch. 117, § 11;L. 2007, ch. 196, § 4;L. 2009, ch. 143, § 12; July 1.