25-3801. Precinct committeemen and committeewomen; eligibility for office or candidacy; filling vacancies.
25-3801. Precinct committeemen and committeewomen; eligibility foroffice or candidacy; filling vacancies.(a) At each primary election, the members of the party residing in eachprecinct in each county of the state shall elect a man of their numberas precinct committeeman and a woman of their number as precinctcommitteewoman. No person shall be eligible to be a candidate for orhold the office of precinct committeeman or precinct committeewoman of aparty in any precinct unless such person actually lives, resides andoccupies a place of abode in such precinct, and is in all other respectsa qualified elector and is shown as a member of such party on the partyaffiliation list, in the office of the county election officer.Except as provided in subsection (b), any vacancyoccurring in the officeof precinct committeeman orcommitteewoman shall be promptly filled by appointment by the countychairperson, except that any vacancy which occurs becausethe party had nocandidate at such primary election shall not be filled until the countycentral committee has elected or reelected its chairperson. Not later thanthree days afterappointment of precinct committeemen and committeewomen, the countychairperson making the appointments shall notify the county election officerof such appointments. The county election officer shall make suchappointments public immediately upon receipt thereof. As used in this act,"primary election" means thestatewide election held in August of even-numbered years.
(b) When a convention is to be held under article 39 of chapter 25 ofKansas Statutes Annotated to fill a vacancy, no appointments shall be madeunder subsection (a): (1) After the county chairperson hasreceived notice from the county election officer ofa vacancy or a pending vacancy in a county elected office; or(2) after thecounty chairperson in each county, all or a part of which, is located within alegislative district has received notice from thesecretary of state of a vacancy or a pending vacancy in a legislativeoffice.
After the vacancy has been filled by a person elected at a convention heldunder article 39 of chapter 25 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, any vacancy inthe office of precinct committeeman or committeewoman shall be filled asprovided by subsection (a).
History: L. 1972, ch. 129, § 1;L. 1990, ch. 130, § 3;L. 1999, ch. 64, § 1;L. 2001, ch. 81, § 8; July 1.