25-321. Vacancy in state senate and house of representatives; tenure of office of person appointed to fill vacancy.
25-321. Vacancy in state senate and house of representatives; tenure ofoffice of person appointed to fillvacancy.A person appointed to the office of state representative under theprovisions of this act may hold the office for the remainder of theterm. Any person appointed to the office of senator under the provisionsof this act may hold the office: (a) If the vacancy occurs prior toOctober 15 of the second year of the term, until the next generalelection, when a senator shall be elected to fill the term; or (b) ifsuch vacancy occurs after October 14 of the second year of the term, forthe remainder of the term. In cases where the appointment of a senatoris until the next general election, nominations for senator to beelected at such general election shall be made as follows: (1) If thevacancy occurs prior to June 1 of the second year of the term,candidates for the office shall be nominated at the primary in likemanner as regular nominations for state senator are made; and (2) if thevacancy occurs on or after June 1 and prior to October 15 of the secondyear of the term, candidates for the office shall be nominated by thesenatorial district party committee of any party having a state andnational organization.
History: L. 1947, ch. 246, § 3; Feb. 28.