25-306b. Withdrawal from nomination; omission of name from ballot; death of nominee; person filling vacancy may withdraw.
25-306b. Withdrawal from nomination;omission of name from ballot; death of nominee; person filling vacancy maywithdraw.(a) Except as provided by this section, no person who has been nominated byany means for any national, state, county or township office may cause suchperson's name to be withdrawn from nomination after the day of the primaryelection.
(b) Any person who has beennominatedby any means foranynational, state, county or township office who declares that they areincapable of fulfilling the duties of office if elected may cause suchperson'sname to bewithdrawn from nomination by a request in writing, signed by the person andacknowledged before an officer qualified to take acknowledgments ofdeeds. Any such request shall be filed with the secretary of state inthe case of national and state offices and with the county electionofficer in the case of county and township offices. Except as providedin subsection (d), in the case of national andstateoffices, any such request shall be filed within seven days,including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays,after themeeting of the state board of canvassers for the final canvass ofprimary election provided for in K.S.A. 25-3205, and amendments thereto.Except asprovided in subsection (d), in the case of countyandtownship offices, any such request shall be filed within 10daysafter the meeting of the county board of canvassers to canvass theprimary election as provided in K.S.A. 25-3104, and amendments thereto. Nonamewithdrawn as provided in this section shall be printed on the ballotsfor such office for the general election.
(c) In the case of the death of a person who has been nominated for anynational, state, county or township office, the county chairperson of thepolitical party of which such nominee was a member may cause suchnominee's name to bewithdrawn from nomination by a request in writing, signed by the chairpersonand acknowledged before an officer qualified to take acknowledgements of deeds. Any such request shall be filed with the secretary of state in the case ofnational and state offices and with the county election officer in the case ofcounty and township offices. Except as provided in subsection (d), in the caseof national and state offices, any such request shall be filed within sevendays, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, after the meeting of the stateboard of canvassers for the final canvass of primary election provided for inK.S.A. 25-3205, and amendments thereto. Except as provided in subsection (d),in the case of county and township offices, any such request shall be filedwithin 10 days after the meeting of the county board of canvassers to canvassthe primary election as provided in K.S.A. 25-3104, and amendments thereto. Noname withdrawn as provided in this section shall be printed on the ballots forsuch office for the general election.
(d) Whenever there has been a vacancy which occurred from awithdrawal under this section, and such vacancy was filled according tolaw, the person filling the vacancy may cause such person's name tobe withdrawnfrom nomination in the manner provided in subsection (b) or (c) ofthis sectionat any time prior to the 40th day before the generalelection.
History: L. 1970, ch. 135, § 2; L. 1973, ch. 150, § 1;L. 1991, ch. 99, § 1;L. 1995, ch. 192, § 4;L. 1997, ch. 124, § 10; July 1.