25-305. Deadlines for filing certificates of nomination by convention or caucus and independent nomination petitions; deadlines for filing affidavit of write-in candidacy for state offices elected on
25-305. Deadlines for filing certificates of nomination by conventionor caucus and independent nomination petitions; deadlines for filing affidavitof write-in candidacy for state offices elected on a statewide basis.(a) Certificates of nomination by convention or caucus for the nomination ofcandidates for national, state, county and township offices shall be filed withthe secretary of state, or the county election officer, not later than 12:00noon, on the day fixed for the deadline for filing petitions for nomination anddeclarations of intent to become candidates in accordance with K.S.A. 25-205and amendments thereto, preceding the national, state, county and townshipgeneral election, except when such date falls on Saturday, Sunday or a holiday,and then not later than 12:00 noon the following day that is not a Saturday,Sunday or a holiday.
(b) Independent nomination petitions for the nomination of candidatesfor national, state, county and township offices shall be filed with thesecretary of state or the county election officer no later than 12:00 noonon the Monday preceding the date fixed for the holding of primary elections inaccordance with K.S.A. 25-203, and amendments thereto, preceding a national,state, county or township general election.
(c) An affidavit of write-in candidacy for the offices of governor andlieutenant governor shall be filed with the secretary of state no later than12:00 noon on the 2nd Monday preceding the general election for those offices.
(d) An affidavit of write-in candidacy for the offices of president andvice-president shall be filed with the secretary of state no later than 12:00noon on the 2nd Monday preceding the general election for those offices.
(e) An affidavit of write-in candidacy for state offices elected on astatewide basis other than offices subject to subsection (c) shall be filedwith the secretary of state no later than 12:00 noon on the second Mondaypreceding the election at which the write-in candidate seeks nomination orelection.
History: R.S. 1923, 25-305; L. 1925, ch. 164, § 1; L. 1927, ch. 202,§ 1; L. 1968, ch. 406, § 92; L. 1972, ch. 130, § 1; L. 1983, ch. 120,§ 2; L. 1988, ch. 119, § 3; L. 1991, ch. 100, § 3; L. 1992, ch. 237,§ 3;L. 1993, ch. 287, § 3; July 1.