25-2022b. Excessive vacancies on boards of education; appointments made by governor.


Chapter 25.--ELECTIONS

      25-2022b.   Excessive vacancies on boards of education; appointments madeby governor.Whenever the membershipof any board of education shall by resignation,death, removal from office or otherwise be reduced to a number less thanfour (4), thegovernor shall appoint to such board of education sufficient members so that themembership of the board of education totals four (4). When the membership of such aboard of education has been restored to four, such four members shall,within six (6) months, appoint members to fill the remaining vacanciesin the manner provided in K.S.A. 25-2022. Members appointed under theauthority of this section shall be appointed for the unexpired term inthe manner provided in said K.S.A. 25-2022. Vacancies on a board ofeducation subject to the provisions of this act shall be certified tothe governor by the clerk of the board of education.

      History:   L. 1972, ch. 281, § 1; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 149; L.1977, ch. 109, § 28; July 1.