25-2018. Certification of school offices to be filled; requirements for publication.
25-2018. Certification of school offices to be filled; requirementsfor publication.(a) Notices of board member elections and question submitted electionsof a school district shall be made as provided in this section.
(b) On or before January 15, the county election officer shallpublish a notice of election one time in a newspaper having generalcirculation in the school district. The notice for board member electionsshall state (1) the name of the school district, (2) the date of thegeneral election, (3) the date of the primary election if one is held, (4)the filing deadline and the place of filing, and (5) the offices orpositions to be filled.
(c) All notices provided for by this section shall be given in theform prescribed by the secretary of state to the extent that anynotice or part thereof is prescribed by the secretary of state. Theprovisions of this section shall not be construed to require the secretaryof state to prescribe any particular form.
(d) Not less than six weeks prior to the first Tuesday in April anotice of primary elections shall be published by the county electionofficer in a newspaper having general circulation in the school district,if a primary election is required to be held. The publication shall bemade one time and shall state (1) the name of the school district, (2) thedate of the primary election, (3) the names of the candidates and theoffice or position for which each is a candidate, (4) the voting place orplaces and the area each voting place is to serve, (5) the times of openingand closing of the polls. Description of areas shall be in the termsdetermined by the county election officer.
(e) Not less than three days prior to the first Tuesday in April anotice of the general election shall be published by the county electionofficer one time in a newspaper having general circulation in the schooldistrict. The notice shall state (1) the name of the school district, (2)the date of the general election, (3) the names of the candidates and theoffice or position for which each is a candidate, (4) the voting place orplaces and the area each voting place is to serve, (5) the time of openingand closing of polls. Description of areas shall be in such terms as may bedetermined by the county election officer.
(f) Notice of any question submitted election of any school districtshall be made in the manner provided by K.S.A. 10-120,and amendments thereto. The notice shall state (1) thename of the school district, (2) the date of the election, (3) the amountof bonds to be issued, if a bond election, (4) the proposition to be votedupon, (5) the hours of opening and closing of the polls, (6) the votingplace or places and the area each voting place is to serve, and (7)any other information specifically required by law. Description of areasshall be in the terms determined by the countyelection officer.
History: L. 1968, ch. 59, § 36; L. 1974, ch. 162, §1; L. 1982, ch. 157, § 3; L. 1983, ch. 50, § 2; July 1.