24-650. Same; notice of disorganization; filing of claims.



      24-650.   Same; notice of disorganization; filing of claims.Within sixty days after adopting the resolution to disorganize anddissolve the district, the board of trustees shall publish in anewspaper of general circulation in the drainage district, for threeconsecutive issues if a weekly paper, and for five consecutive issues ifa daily paper, a notice to all creditors and claimants of or against thedrainage district (naming it) setting forth a copy of the resolution todisorganize and dissolve the drainage district and further notifying allsuch creditors and claimants, without naming them or specifying theamount or nature of their claim, that each claimant having any claim ofany kind or nature existing against the drainage district at the timeand previous to the date (specifying it) of the adoption of theresolution to disorganize the district, or accruing upon contracts madeprevious thereto, shall file a verified, itemized statement of suchclaim as they may have against the drainage district, setting forth theamount and nature thereof, with the secretary to the board of trusteesand shall also file a copy, for record, with the clerk of the districtcourt (naming it) wherein the resolution to disorganize the district wasfiled, within a time to be specified in such notice but not less thanthirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days from the date of firstpublication of such notice. No such claim of any character shall beallowed unless filed within one year after the date of such firstnewspaper publication, which date shall be specified in such notice.

      Within ten days after the date of first publication of such notice,the secretary to the board of trustees shall mail a copy of such noticeto the last known address of each claimant who appears as such upon therecords of the drainage district. The validity of each claim and theright of each claimant to be paid shall be determined in accordance withthe law under which the drainage district was organized and exclusive ofand unaided by this act so that the rights of all claimants, and allproperty owners shall remain unchanged and the limitation, if any, uponthe power of the drainage district to incur indebtedness shall beobserved. Within this limitation the board of trustees may compromiseany claim and agree upon the amount that may be due. If the board oftrustees shall deem it advisable, they may file an action in a court ofgeneral jurisdiction and make one or more or all of the known claimantsparties defendants and procure an interpretation and construction of K.S.A.24-601 to 24-640, determining the powerof such drainage district to incur indebtedness, the limitation thereon,if any, and the rights of claimants and the power to levy and the methodof levying taxes or assessments to pay the indebtedness of the district.

      History:   L. 1929, ch. 175, § 4; May 28.