24-426. Manner of letting contracts; bond of contractor; tools and machinery.
24-426. Manner of letting contracts; bond of contractor; tools andmachinery.That the board of directors shall not make any contract for any work tobe done under the provisions of this act, the payment for which is to bemade by the issuing of bonds or the levying of special assessments, exceptas herein otherwise provided, without first having publicly advertised forbids, and all such contracts shall be let only to the lowest and bestbidder; but the board shall have the right to reject all bids if the sameshall be deemed too high. Every contractor shall be required to give a bondto the board of directors in a sum sufficient to secure the properexecution of his contract and conditioned to pay all damages which shallresult to the landholders of the district from failure to perform theircontracts or by reason of negligence in the performance of the same. Allwork by contractors shall be under supervision of the board of directors oran engineer appointed by it.
All bids shall be submitted and opened at one public meeting of thedirectory: Provided, however, That in the removal of solidobstructions or otherwise clearing the channel of any navigable stream, ifthe board of directors and its engineer shall deem it impracticable to letcontracts therefor, or any part thereof, such work may be done in suchmanner as the board may deem for the best interests of the district, andmay, when necessary, purchase or rent tools and machinery for such purpose.
History: L. 1905, ch. 215, § 27; L. 1911, ch. 174, § 1; April 3; R.S. 1923,24-426.