24-316. Corporation benefited to pay part of expense.



      24-316.   Corporation benefited to pay part of expense.That when any ditch, drain or watercourse, located and established underthis act, crosses or drains, either in whole or in part, any public orcorporated road, or any railroad, or benefits any or either of said roads,so that the roadbed or traveled track of any such road will be made betterby the opening and construction of any such ditch, drain or watercourse,the board of county commissioners shall apportion and set off to thecounty, if a county road, or to the township, if a township road, or to thecompany, if corporated or a railroad, a portion of the costs and expenses,and also a portion of the construction thereof, the same as privateindividuals, and in proportion to the benefits conferred by said ditch,drain and watercourse on such roads, and compel them to pay said costs andperform said labor in like manner.

      That if any public or corporated road, or any railroad, whose roadbed ortraveled track is benefited by the opening and constructing of any suchditch, drain, or watercourse, shall fail to pay the costs and expensesassigned to them, or fail to procure the cutting and opening of such ditch,drain, or watercourse on that section or portion assigned and set off tothem respectively by the board of county commissioners as hereinbeforeprovided, as in the case of individuals, after due notice upon the persondesignated by any such corporation or railroad to accept service for suchcorporation or railroad, and in the manner and time specified in this actfor such service, or on individuals, the board of county commissionersshall in that event proceed in the same manner and form as in this actprovided for the collection of such costs and expenses against privateindividuals; and upon completion of the work, and acceptance ashereinbefore provided, the county commissioners shall certify the amountdue for the performance of said work to the county clerk of such county,and said amount shall be placed upon the tax roll of such county by theclerk thereof, against said corporated road or railroad benefited by thecutting and opening of said portion or section of said ditch, drain, orwatercourse, to be collected as other state and county taxes are collected.

      History:   L. 1886, ch. 161, § 15; Feb. 24; R.S. 1923, 24-316.