24-1219. No-fund warrants for initial expenses; annual tax levies for general fund expenses; increased levies, procedure; tax levies for no-fund warrants and bonds; structure maintenance fund.



      24-1219.   No-fund warrants for initial expenses;annual tax leviesfor general fund expenses; increased levies, procedure; tax levies forno-fund warrants and bonds; structure maintenance fund.(a) The district board may issue no-fund warrants to pay for initialorganizational, engineering, legal and administrative expenses of thedistrict except that the amount so issued shall not exceed theproduct of two mills times the assessed valuation of the taxabletangible property within the district. Such warrants shall be issued,bear interest and be retired in accordance with the provisions ofK.S.A. 79-2940, and amendments thereto, except that the approval of the statecourt of tax appealsshall not be required. Whenever warrants have been issued under thissection, the board shall make a tax levy at the first tax levyingperiod, after such warrants are issued, sufficient to pay such warrantsand interest.

      (b)   Following incorporation of the district by the secretary of state,the board shall have authority to levy annually a tax of not toexceed two mills to create a general fund for the payment ofengineering, legal, clerical, land and interests in land, installationmaintenance, operation and other administrative expenses and such taxmay be against all of the taxable, tangible property of the district.Whenever the board desires to increase themill levy for such purposes above two mills, it may adopt a resolutiondeclaring it necessary to increase such annual levy in an amount whichtogether with the current levy shall not exceed a total of four mills. Anysuch resolution shall state the total amount of the tax to be levied andshall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaperof general circulation in the district. Whereupon such annual levy in anamount not to exceed the amount stated in the resolution may be made forthe ensuing budget year and each successive budget year unless a petitionrequesting an election upon the proposition to increase the tax levy inexcess of the current tax levy, signed by not less than 5% of the qualifiedelectors in the district is filed with the county election officer within60 days following the date of the last publication of the resolution. Inthe event a valid petition is filed, no such increased levy shall be madewithout such proposition having been submitted to and having been approvedby a majority of the qualified electors voting at an election called andheld thereon. All such elections shall be called and held in the mannerprescribed for the calling and holding of elections upon the question ofthe issuance of bonds under the general bond law.

      (c)   There is hereby authorized to be established in the watersheddistricts of the state a fund which shall be called the structuremaintenance fund. The fund shall consist of moneys deposited therein fromfunds received according to provisions of the watershed district law. Theamount of funds that may be deposited annually shall be a maximum of .35%of the construction cost of the structure. Moneys in the structuremaintenance fund may be used for the purpose of engineering, reconstructionand other required maintenance and other expenses relating to themaintenance of a structure. The watershed board of directors is herebyauthorized to invest any portion of the structure maintenance fund, which isnot currently needed, in investments authorized by K.S.A. 12-1675,and amendments thereto. All interest received on any such investment shallbe credited to the structure maintenance fund.

      (d)   The district board shall have authority to levy a tax, afterimprovement bonds have been issued in accordance with K.S.A. 24-1214,24-1215 and 24-1220, and amendments thereto, sufficient to pay suchbonds and interest.

      History:   L. 1953, ch. 477, § 19; L. 1955, ch. 201, § 12; L.1961, ch. 193, §16;L. 1985, ch. 117, § 1;L. 1987, ch. 122, § 8;L. 1990, ch. 119, § 1;L. 2008, ch. 109, § 56; July 1.