24-1217. Computation of special assessments; appraisement and apportionment; resolution; limitations; hearing of complaints; notice; alterations; resolution fixing assessments; notice to landowners; b



      24-1217.   Computation of special assessments; appraisement andapportionment; resolution; limitations; hearing of complaints; notice;alterations; resolution fixing assessments; notice to landowners; bondsand levies, when.If the resolution of financing provided for by K.S.A. 24-1216 [*], andamendments thereto, provides that allor any part of the cost of the works contemplated is to be paid byspecial assessment against lands especially benefited by such project,the board shall appoint threeappraisers who have no vested interests in the project and who shallrecommend apportionment of the special assessment to the tracts of landsubject to such special assessment. The appraisers shall have access toall available engineering reports and data pertaining to the workscontemplated and may request such additional engineering data or counselas found necessary to carry out their duties. The appraisers shall takean oath to fairly and impartially appraise the benefits accruing to eachtract of land and shall recommend the apportionment of the assessmentaccording to the relative benefits to be received by the several tractsof land subject to assessment, and shall make written reports of theirfindings to the board.

      Upon receiving the report, the board shall prepare a resolution whichshall contain a list of the tracts of land found to be especiallybenefited and the amount of assessment to be levied against each suchtract. No such assessment against any tractof land shall exceed the estimated benefits to such land by suchproject. Such tracts of land shall be legally described and the names ofthe owners thereof shall be set forth beside the description of eachtract so listed. After adopting such resolution, the board shall fix atime and place for hearing any complaint that may be made as to thebenefit to any tract of land appraised as aforesaid, a notice of whichhearing shall be given by the secretary by one publication at least 10days prior to the date set for the hearing. Theboard, at thespecial hearing, may alter the benefit to any tract of land if, in itsjudgment, the same has been appraised too high or too low.

      The board, immediately thereafter, shall pass a resolution fixing thebenefit assessment as to each tract of ground and providing for theassessment thereof which assessment may be spread over a period of notto exceed 20 years and shall hold good for all installments.The board, immediately thereafter, shall cause a written notice to bemailed to the owner or owners of each tract of ground assessed of theamount of the assessment which notice shall state that if the amountis not paid in full within 30 days from the date of notice,bonds will be issued and that an assessment will be levied annuallyagainst such tract of ground for a period of not to exceed 20years in an amount sufficient to pay the total assessment plus theinterest due on the bonds.

      No suit to set aside the assessment shall be brought after theexpiration of 90 days from the date of thenotice. The amountlevied against each tract of ground to pay for the bonds falling dueeach year and the interest thereon shall be levied, certified to theproper county clerk and collected the same as other taxes.

      History:   L. 1953, ch. 477, § 17; L. 1955, ch. 201, § 11; L.1957, ch. 226, §8; L. 1959, ch. 172, § 12; L. 1961, ch. 193, § 15;L. 1987, ch. 122, § 6; July 1.