24-1213. General plan, estimate of costs and information as to benefits; transmittal to chief engineer, when; open to public; report to directors.



      24-1213.   General plan, estimate of costs and information as tobenefits; transmittal to chief engineer, when; open to public; report todirectors.Upon the incorporation of the watershed district the board shall causework to be commenced on the preparation of a general plan of the district.In addition to the general plan there shall be prepared an estimate ofcosts as to installation, maintenance and operation of the proposed worksand information as to the location and extent of areas that would bebenefited by the proposed works. Upon completion of the general plan,estimates of costs and the information as to benefited areas, the boardshall carefully examine and consider the same and if they approve thegeneral plan, estimate of cost of proposed works and information onbenefited areas, they shall transmit a complete copy thereof to the chiefengineer and additional copies shall be made available to him upon request.Copies of such plans, estimates and information, in the office of the chiefengineer shall be open to inspection by the public at all reasonable times.

      The chief engineer shall examine and study said general plans as to: (1)Feasibility. (2) Co-ordination of the plan with any general plan for thewatershed of which the district might be a part. (3) The safety of theworks and improvements proposed. (4) Conformity with the intents andpurposes of this act. The chief engineer shall transmit a written report ofthe results of his study and investigation to the board of directors whichshall include any changes or modifications which he deems necessary andwhich shall include a specific approval or disapproval of the general plan.

      History:   L. 1953, ch. 477, § 13; L. 1957, ch. 226, § 6; L. 1961, ch. 193, §10; July 1.