24-1111. Same; tax levies when no consolidation or separate organization; duties of county commissioners.



      24-1111.   Same; tax levies when no consolidation or separateorganization; duties of county commissioners.If the land within the former Missouri district be neither consolidatedwith an adjacent district nor organized as a separate district within six(6) months after such lands are ceded to the state of Kansas by the stateof Missouri, it shall be the duty of the county clerk of the county where amajority of such lands are attached to place or to cause to be placed onthe tax rolls of the proper county or counties of this state all tax leviesmade against the former Missouri lands and which constitute a lien on anyof such lands at the time such lands are ceded to this state.

      Thereafter, the board of county commissioners of the county of which amajority of the lands of such former Missouri district become a part shallhave full power to and shall determine all questions arising in connectionwith the levy, collection, custody, and disbursement of all moneysresulting from taxes theretofore levied against said land (whether leviedin Missouri or Kansas) or thereafter levied. The said board of countycommissioners shall perform all duties imposed by this act on the governingbody of the consolidated district contemplated herein and all other publicofficers shall perform the same duties imposed by this act, the same asthough such consolidation were affected [effected]. All other provisions ofthis act shall also apply to the extent such are reasonably consistent withthe provisions of this section: Provided, however, Nothing hereincontained shall prevent the owners of lands ceded to the state of Kansasfrom thereafter petitioning for the consolidation contemplated by this actor organizing a separate district under applicable laws of this state.

      History:   L. 1949, ch. 251, § 11; April 14.