23-4,117. Forms and informational materials; system to monitor payments; subcontractors.



      23-4,117.   Forms and informational materials; system to monitorpayments; subcontractors.(a) The judicial administrator and the secretaryof social and rehabilitation services shall cooperate to design suggestedlegal forms and informational materials which describe procedures andremedies under this act for distribution to all parties in support actions.

      (b)   The judicial administrator of the courts and the secretary ofsocial and rehabilitation services shall enter into a contract to developand maintain an automated management information system which will monitorsupport payments, maintain accurate records of support payments and permitprompt notice of arrearages in support payments. District courts, includingcourt trustees, shall be subcontractors in the management informationsystem and payments for their services shall be disbursed as directed bythe judicial administrator. Unless good cause is shown, the secretary ofsocial and rehabilitation services shall contract with court trustees forenforcement services. Subcontractor employees determined necessary to theperformance of the contract by the judicial administrator shall be stateemployees paid by county general funds. The provisions of K.S.A. 20-358 and20-359, and amendments thereto, shall apply. County expenditures forcompensation of subcontractor employees may be paid during any budget yeareven though the expenditures were not included in the budget for that year.County general funds shall be promptly reimbursed for subcontractoremployee compensation cost from the subcontractor's payment plus areasonable administrative fee for the county for acting as fiscal andreporting agent as determined necessary by the judicial administrator. Theprovisions of the Kansas court personnel rules, except for pay andclassification plans, shall apply to subcontractor employees.

      History:   L. 1985, ch. 115, § 13; July 1.