21-4610a. Probation or community correctional services fee.


Article 46.--SENTENCING

      21-4610a.   Probation or community correctional services fee.(a) Each person placed under the probation supervisionof a court services officer or other officer or employee of the judicialbranch by a judge of the district court under K.S.A. 21-4610, andamendments thereto, and each person assigned to a communitycorrectional services program shall pay aprobation or community correctional services fee. If the person wasconvicted of a misdemeanor, theamount of the probation services fee is $25 and if the person was convictedof a felony, the amount of the probation or community correctionalservices fee is $50, except thatin any case the amount of the probation or community correctionalservices fee specified by thissection may be reduced or waived by the judge if the person is unable topay that amount.

      (b)   The probation or community correctional services fee imposed bythis section shall be chargedand collected by the district court.The clerk of the district court shall remitall revenues received under this section from probationorcommunity correctional servicesfees to the state treasurerin accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, andamendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the statetreasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasuryto the credit of the state general fund.

      (c)   This section shall not apply to persons placed on probation orreleased on parole to reside in Kansas under the uniform act forout-of-state parolee supervision.

      History:   L. 1984, ch. 126, § 1;L. 1986, ch. 123, § 11;L. 2001, ch. 5, § 81; July 1.