20-3009. Same; appointment of successor by governor; time limitations; failure of governor to appoint; appointment by chief justice; effective date of appointment.


Chapter 20.--COURTS

      20-3009.   Same; appointment of successor by governor; timelimitations; failure of governor to appoint; appointment by chiefjustice; effective date of appointment.(a) Whenever the supreme court nominating commission has submitted tothe governor the required number of nominations for appointment to filla vacancy in the office of judge of the court of appeals, it shall bethe duty of the governor to make such appointment within sixty (60) daysafter such nominations are submitted or resubmitted to him or her. Ifthe governor fails to make the appointment within said sixty (60) days,the chief justice of the supreme court shall make the appointment fromamong such nominees. Whenever any change in the nominations is madepursuant to K.S.A. 20-3008, said sixty-day period commenceson the day the nominations are resubmitted.

      (b)   Whenever a vacancy in the office of judge of the court ofappeals exists at the time the appointment to fill such vacancy is madepursuant to this section, the appointment shall be effective at the timeit is made, but where an appointment is made pursuant to this section tofill a vacancy which will occur at a future date, such appointment shallnot take effect until said date.

      History:   L. 1975, ch. 178, § 9; July 1.