20-3008. Same; withdrawal of nomination, substitution of nominee; two or more vacancies, withdrawal of lists of nominations; resubmission of nominations.
20-3008. Same; withdrawal of nomination, substitution of nominee; twoor more vacancies, withdrawal of lists of nominations; resubmission ofnominations.After the supreme court nominating commission has nominated andsubmitted to the governor the required number of nominees for appointmentto fill a vacancy in the office of judge of the court of appeals, and priorto the appointment of a successor to such office, any nomination may bewithdrawn for cause of a substantial nature affecting the nominee'squalifications to hold office, and another nominee may be substitutedtherefor. If a nominee dies or requests in writing that his or her name bewithdrawn, the commission shall nominate another person to replace him orher.
Whenever there are existing at the same time two (2) or more vacanciesin the office of judge of the court of appeals and the supreme courtnominating commission has submitted to the governor the required number ofnominees for each of such vacancies, the commission may withdraw the listsof nominations, prior to any appointment being made, and change any of thepersons so nominated from one list to another and resubmit them as sochanged, or may substitute a new nominee for any of those previouslynominated. The action of the commission in withdrawing nominations may betaken at the same meeting at which nominations are made, or at any latermeeting called for such purpose.
History: L. 1975, ch. 178, § 8; July 1.