20-3005. Nomination of judges to fill vacancies; panels of nominees; appointments by governor; failure of governor to make appointment; acceptance of nomination.


Chapter 20.--COURTS

      20-3005.   Nomination of judges to fill vacancies; panels ofnominees; appointments by governor; failure of governor to makeappointment; acceptance of nomination.On the respective July 1, pursuant to subsection (a) ofK.S.A. 20-3002, and amendments thereto, the clerk of the supreme courtshallnotify the chairperson of the supreme court nominating commission of thenumber of vacant positions on the court of appeals to be filled byappointment.Upon receipt of suchnotice, the chairperson shall call a meeting of thecommission and submit to thegovernor a panel of three nominees for the lowest numbered position onthe court of appeals for which an appointment is to be made. The governorshall appoint one of such nominees to the position on the court ofappeals for which the nominee was nominated within 60 days from thetime the panel of nominations for such position is submitted to thegovernor. If the governorfails to make the appointmentwithin such time, the chief justice of the supreme court shall make suchappointment from among the persons nominated as provided in thissection. When the appointment hasbeen made and the person has informed the clerk of the supreme court inwriting of the person's acceptance of such appointment, the clerk of thesupreme court shall notify the chairperson of thesupreme court nominatingcommission who again shall call a meeting of thecommission and submit to thegovernor another panel of three nominees for the lowest numberedposition remaining on the court of appeals for which no appointment hasbeen made. The process of nomination and appointment providedin this section shallbe repeated until nominations and appointments have been made for allpositions on the court of appeals for which appointments are to be made.Each appointment to the court of appeals shall be made from aseparate panel of nominees, and the appointment to each position shall bemade and accepted before any other panel of nominees is submitted to thegovernor. The nomination of a person on an earlier panel shall not precludethe person's nomination on a subsequent panel.

      History:   L. 1975, ch. 178, § 5;L. 1986, ch. 116, § 2;L. 2001, ch. 174, § 2; July 1.