20-2916. Same; method of selection of judges in newly formed districts.
20-2916. Same; method of selection of judges innewly formed districts.(a) Whenever a new judicial district is established which includes onlya part of a single previously established district or all or parts of twoor more previously established districts which used the same method ofselectingjudges for the districts, the new district shalluse the same method of selecting judges for the new district. If the methodof selection of judges is nonpartisan, the nominating commission for theprior district or districts shall be abolished and a nominating commissionfor the new district shall be established.
(b) Whenever a new judicial district is established which includes allor parts of two or more previously established districts any of which useddifferent methods of selecting its judges, the question of the method ofselection of judges shall be submitted to the qualified electors in thenew judicial district in accordance with K.S.A. 20-2901 and amendments thereto.The district nominating commission for any prior district or districts whichused the nonpartisan method of selecting judges shallbe abolished, and, if the new judicial district adopts the nonpartisan methodof selection for judges, a nominating commission shall be established forthe new district.
(c) Whenever the whole or any part of one or more judicial districts istransferred to and becomes a part of another judicial district and the judgesin both the district or districts from which the territory was transferredand the district to which the territory is attached have used the samemethod of selection of judges, the district to which the territory is attachedshall continue to use that method of selecting judges for the district. If the method of selecting judges is nonpartisan, the district nominatingcommission for the district prior to the attachment of territory shall beabolished and a new nominating commission shall be established for thedistrict.
(d) Whenever the whole or any part of one or more judicial districts istransferred to and becomes a part of another judicial district and any districtfrom which territory was transferred used a method of selectingits judges which is different from the method used in any other districtfrom which territory was transferred or the district to which the territoryis attached, the question of the method of selecting judges in the districtshall be submitted to the qualified electors in the judicial district inaccordance with K.S.A. 20-2901 and amendments thereto. If the method ofselecting judges in the district to which the territory is attached wasnonpartisan, the nominating commission of the district shall be abolished.If the electors of the district adopt the nonpartisan method of selectionof judges, a nominating commission shall be established for the district.
(e) If the method of selection of judges in any judicial district fromwhich territory is detached is nonpartisan, the district nominating commissionat the time of the detachment of such territory shall be abolished and anew nominating commission established for the district.
History: L. 1982, ch. 130, § 11; Feb. 25.