20-2912. Same; taking office; rights, privileges, powers and duties; terms of office, eligibility for retention in office; election on question of retention; term for which retained; rejection, vacanc
20-2912. Same;taking office; rights, privileges, powers and duties; terms of office,eligibility for retention in office; election on question of retention;term for which retained; rejection, vacancy, appointment of successor;judge's eligibility to succeed himself or herself; failure to declarecandidacy, vacancy.Any person appointed to the office of district court judge pursuant toK.S.A. 20-2911 or pursuant to subsection (b) of K.S.A.20-2913 shall commence upon the duties of office on the date suchappointment takes effect, and any person so appointed shall have all therights, privileges, powers and duties prescribed by law for the officeof district court judge. Any such judge who is so appointed to fill avacancy, or to fill a newly-created judgeship, or by reason of theexpiration of a term of office, shall serve until the second Monday inJanuary following the next general election which occurs after one yearin office and shall be eligible to succeed himself or herself in officefor a full term of four (4) years as provided in K.S.A.20-2908.
If a majority of the votes cast and counted at such election is infavor of retaining such judge in office, said judge shall remain inoffice for a regular term of four years from the second Monday inJanuary next following such election. Thereafter, such judge shall besubject to retention in office as provided in K.S.A. 20-2908.If a majority of the votes cast and counted at such election is againstretaining such judge in office, the office of such judge shall becomevacant on the second Monday in January next following the election, anda successor shall be appointed pursuant to K.S.A. 20-2909,20-2910 and 20-2911. If such judge does not declare his or hercandidacy for election to succeed himself or herself in office theoffice of such district court judge shall be vacant on the second Mondayin January next following such election.
History: L. 1974, ch. 137, § 12; L. 1976, ch. 153, § 1; July 1.