2-1430. Persons subject to 2-1429 to 2-1440; certification defined.



      2-1430.   Persons subject to 2-1429 to 2-1440; certification defined. Every person, firm, association, or corporation who shall issue, use or circulate, any certificate, advertisement, tag, seal, poster, letterhead, marking, circular, written or printed or otherwise reproduced presentation or description of or pertaining to seeds or plant parts intended for propagation or sale, or sold or offered for sale wherein the word "Kansas state certified," "state certified," "Kansas certified," "certified," "foundation," "pedigreed," or "registered," or similar words or phrases are used or employed, or wherein are used or employed signs, symbols, maps, diagrams, pictures, words or phrases expressly or impliedly stating or representing that such seeds or plant parts comply with or conform to the standards or requirements recommended or approved by the agency or agencies designated by the Kansas state university of agriculture and applied science of the state of Kansas, shall be subject to the provisions of this act. Every issuance, use or circulation of any certificate or any other instrument, as in this section above described, shall be deemed to be "certification" as that term is employed in this act.

      History:   L. 1937, ch. 3, § 2; Feb. 19.