19-3304. Same; loss, damage or expense to county; insurance.


Article 33.--FLOOD CONTROL

      19-3304.   Same; loss, damage or expense to county; insurance. That any loss, damage or expense for which the county or the board of county commissioners may be liable by reason of having entered into an indemnity agreement or undertaking to protect and defend the federal government against loss or damage resulting from or growing out of such flood control work may be paid for by said county from any funds on hand received from the sale of the bonds issued under the provisions of this act: Provided, That said board may for the purpose of saving and protecting the county from any such loss, damage or expense, apply for and purchase from any insurance or indemnity company authorized to transact business in this state, an insurance or indemnity policy or policies of insurance and pay the cost of obtaining the same from any funds received from the sale of bonds issued under the provisions of this act.

      History:   L. 1945, ch. 391, § 4; June 28.