- 19-27a01. Sewer districts in any county; definitions.
- 19-27a02. Board of county commissioners serves as governing body of district; powers and duties.
- 19-27a03. Creation of district by petition; contents; unsanitary conditions.
- 19-27a03a. Inclusion of land located in other benefit districts.
- 19-27a04. Preliminary survey required; cost of survey; creation of district to conduct survey; cost paid from county general fund.
- 19-27a05. Notice; hearing; district extending into city limits.
- 19-27a06. Resolution; cost exceeding estimate; second hearing required; notice; continuation or discontinuation of project.
- 19-27a07. Cost of project; assessments; notice; hearing; methods of assessment; protest; payment of assessments in full; issuance of bonds; dedication of property for public use.
- 19-27a08. Transfer of property to another district; construction of sewers upon request; additional sewers in lateral districts, cost.
- 19-27a09. Maintenance fund; tax levy; user charges.
- 19-27a10. Sewage received from other districts; apportionment of cost; assessment among districts.
- 19-27a11. Costs of combined or enlarged districts; tax levy; installments; bonds.
- 19-27a12. Disposal works and pumping stations; costs; bonds; approval by secretary of health and environment.
- 19-27a13. Joint sewer districts; creation; procedure; inclusion of certain districts; petition.
- 19-27a14. Enlargement of boundaries upon petition; additional levies.
- 19-27a15. Annexation of district by a city; district not dissolved.
- 19-27a16. Alteration of district's boundaries; district served by city-owned sewage system; hearing.
- 19-27a17. Inspection to determine adequacy of sewage facilities; additional facilities authorized; cost; bonds.
- 19-27a18. Federal aid for costs; bonds.
- 19-27a19. Contracts; public bidding required, when.
- 19-27a20. Unexpended bond proceeds; uses.
- 19-27a21. Deficits in bond and interest fund; levy authorized.
- 19-27a22. Revenue bonds for sewer projects in urban areas.
- 19-27a23. Abnormal delinquency in payment of special assessments; levy authorized.
- 19-27a24. Attachment of territory within a city to county sewer district; notice; hearing; affect on bonds previously issued; costs; charges; bonds.
- 19-27a25. Additional user charge to pay cost for use of other municipality's treatment plant.
- 19-27a26. Districts in Sedgwick county; delegation of powers to controller.
- 19-27a27. Existing districts to operate under 19-27a01 et seq.; exception.