19-2758. Same; qualifications of voters.



      19-2758.   Same; qualifications of voters. The county clerk shall, not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed by the board of county commissioners for the holding of the first election in such district, ascertain from the tax rolls of the preceding year the names of all taxpayers who are qualified electors residing within the district, and deliver a certified list of the same to one of the persons appointed as judges of the first election to be held in the district and at such election or any other election held under this act only persons who are taxpayers and residents within such district and are qualified electors under the constitution of Kansas shall be permitted to vote. The list so furnished by the county clerk shall be conclusive at all elections, and one desirous of voting, whose name does not appear on such list, may proceed to the county clerk and such county clerk may administer oaths and affirm witnesses to determine the right of anyone to vote who may claim that he has been erroneously omitted from such list, and if the county clerk issues a certificate entitling the voter to vote, such certificate shall be accepted by the judges and clerks of the election. The list so furnished by the county clerk shall be conclusive at all elections held within the same year that said list is furnished. It shall be the duty of the county clerk to furnish a list of the resident taxpayers and qualified electors under the constitution at any subsequent year upon request by the board of directors of said improvement district. Said list shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this act.

      History:   L. 1945, ch. 180, § 6; L. 1969, ch. 156, § 5; L. 1972, ch. 124, § 5; Feb. 22.