19-2754. Same; contents of petition; statement.



      19-2754.   Same; contents of petition; statement. The petition for the incorporation and organization of an improvement district shall be addressed to the board of county commissioners of the county in which the lands which it is proposed shall constitute the district are situated. The petition shall describe the territory proposed to be so incorporated by sections or subdivisions of sections, according to the government survey, or by metes and bounds, and shall have attached thereto a statement containing the following information regarding the proposed district: (1) Quantity of land embraced, platted and unplatted; (2) a brief description of existing facilities and services, if any, currently received by the area, including water supply, sewage disposal, fire and police protection; (3) the reasons and necessity for the district in terms of benefits which will accrue to the inhabitants or future inhabitants therein.

      There shall also be attached to the petition a map of the territory showing the location of the proposed district and the more densely built-up area or areas, if any, and designating in general the platted and unplatted areas. There shall also be attached a statement of the estimated assessed valuation of the platted real property and improvements and unplatted real property and improvements and the assessed valuation or an estimate thereof of the tangible personal property, if any, for the county in which the area lies, certified by the county clerk or county assessor. And such petition shall contain a prayer that all the territory within the boundaries defined in the petition shall be incorporated as an improvement district, under the corporate name to be designated therein. No lands shall be included within said district which lie within the limits of any incorporated city.

      History:   L. 1945, ch. 180, § 2; L. 1965, ch. 172, § 2; L. 1969, ch. 156, § 1; July 1.